Sky TV (Offers and Advice)

17 Dec 2004
I work for Sky TV, currently working on the 'Retentions' Team. This is the team you speak to when your looking to cancel your services or are speaking to hoping to get a better offer to keep your services going.

I'm going to start posting any Family & Friends offers I've got, and advice I can give to get yourself a better deal with the company.
New Customers: £25 per month for 12months is currently the best offer I have, that gives you the complete TV Package consisting of;

Family Bundle, All basic channels in HD Quality including the TV Boxsets and On-Demand.

Free HDw Sky Box. The latest HD/3D Box which is wireless built in to download all the On-Demand content.

Free Install.

Message me for the code and phone number you need to get this deal.


Existing Customers: I have various offers from everything from Movies/Sports, Broadband, Multiscreen, Sky Go Extra, Premiuim HD etc. These offers change all the time and are exclusively for our 'Outbound' team which call customers offering these offers which you cannot get if you called into Sky or went onto the website.
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Can you do anything about lowering the bill if we already have all the packages and multiroom?
My Sky said:
Sky Go Extra - including discounts FREE
Sky Multiscreen - including discounts £6.25
Family with Sports & Movies HD - including discounts £51.45
HD Subscription Discounted- £2.50
Sky Fibre Unlimited£20.00
Sky Talk Line Rental - including discounts £11.48
Free items
Total £86.68

I phoned to cancel our subscription on March 3rd, I managed to get the above deal including an upgrade from fibre to Fibre PRO. This upgrade still hasn't happened despite countless phone calls, 'fault forms' etc. We're currently liaising with a gent called Graham who has been the only rep to give a ****. Nearly 3 months have passed since we were supposed to upgrade, completely unacceptable!

If you can assist with this then great!!
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I am moving house in a few weeks and there doesn't seem to be any sky dish there.

Will Sky be charging me to install the service, if so, how much?
Currently I have.. Variety Bundle (with Star Plus ect..), Line Rental, Broadband and Multiroom, I'm paying £60-65 a month.

I've put my notice in and they have come back saying they can't make much movement on my current deal than knocking off £5 off my current bill.

They did however, give me another offer, which is..

Family Bundle (with Star Plus ect..), HD, Line Rental, Broadband and Multiroom for £45.50. Are you able to better this by any chance?

The Broadband is the simplest one btw, I think with BeThere it was the Value package.
I'm going to give some advice regarding Retentions, because a lot of the people who call me go completely the wrong way about it and end up getting stone walled from me and leaving dissapointed....

First off remember the person your speaking to takes about about a hundred calls a day, with each person basically saying exactly the same thing, it's a game and for you to go away happy both of you need to 'Win' from this call.

1) Be polite, the agent doesn't HAVE to give you an offer, they dont really care whether you cancel your services or not but their bonus is based on getting a certain percentage of people to not cancel their services. And most people are only calling to get some money off so if an agent doesn't like you they can easily let you cancel and make up the numbers on the next calls.

2) Be Patient, dont call when your in the car or in a hurry as this call is going to take an average of 20 minutes mainly because the agent has a call structure which they have to follow in order to meet their bonus requirements. If they dont ask certain questions or read certain information out to you then it's potentially going to cost them a months bonus, if your not going to allow them to get these things done they are not going to do their best for you , they will either not give you any offers or they will not give you their best offers.

3) Dont threaten/Demand. If the first words out of your mouth are either 'Give me this/that or im going to goto *insert competitor here'* or 'I've had letters from my door from competitors offering much cheaper prices' then it's going to make the agent argumentative, rather than trying to help you out it's going to turn into an argument about price comparisons or the difference in services.

But first, what most people get wrong is....Get through to the right department!


If your out of contract for your TV then the team you need to be speaking to are the cancellations team, not downgrades. Tell them that you want to cancel your whole package either because you've seen better offers elsewhere or because your not watching the TV and they will give you an offer on the whole package to reduce the costs and stick you in another contract.


If your in contract for anything this is a trickier game, first off remember that you cannot just say 'I dont want to cancel anything I just want it cheaper' as this isn't going to go anywhere, the agent is ONLY allowed to make an offer based on what your not in contract with and say your looking to cancel. If you have Movies/Sports you can tell them you want to cancel these and they will make you an offer to discount them, if you have Multiscreen tell them your thinking about cancelling that and you can get an offer on that too, you want to work on the highest value packages based on 3 criteria...

1) DTV (Digital Television) this comprises of Basic TV (Original, Variety, Family) and Premiums which are Movies/Sports. You never get good deals on the Basic TV so Movies/Sports are the things you want to be discussing here. Movies/Sports are £35 a month, Half price for 6months is a standard good offer usually available. You can only expect £2-3 a month off basic TV and that's on a good day.

2) Products, This includes Mutiscreen and HD. Multiscreen is the highest value product here so that's your target if you have it. HD is worth £5.25 per month Multiscreen is 11.25. Half price Mutiscreen for 6/12months is usually available.

3) Comms, This is your Line Rental and Broadband. This is always a good one as Sky is competing highly with other providers for these services so you can usually get a good offer on these. Line rental half price for 12months or a recontract on the BB free for a year is possible.

But remember, you can only have ONE offer on each of these criteria, the system will not allow you to 'Stack offers' so you need to get the best one on each of the three.
Dinzi, that's actually a pretty good offer, based on what you have. As I said in the long post we can only work with the extras on the account. £45 is about as good as your going to get i'm afraid.

If your doing a 'Home-Move' they will often charge you to move your services, if your out of contract the best way to go about it is to either;

Go through to cancellations, say you want to cancel your services, tell them your moving house and dont want to take it with you and they should offer you free home-move and a deal to keep your account


Cancel your account, re-open it at your new address and get a new customer offer with free install and a new HD Skybox.

Meatball if you want to PM me your A/C number and/or details and i'll have a look at the account for you and let you know.

Giggz Have a read of my long post, yes definately you should be able to get your Multiscreen half price for a year and if you have Movies/Sports you should be able to get that half price for 6months.
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Hi Khan,

We're well out of contract and paying around £103 a month for pretty much everything, phone, broadband and TV. We can't get fibre in our area yet, and don't have multiroom as there is no need. I did phone up and spoke to what I guess was a downgrade team and wasn't really offered anything, just for them to remove sports and movies and lower our monthly fee down to £59, something I wasn't too happy with for basic tv, phone and broadband.

From your post, are you saying I should be able to get some sort of deal on tv (would be happy with half price movies and sports), something off HD, and then something off the phone/internet?
Am I going to have to ring up and try it on to get those? I can't imagine I can ring up and go oh yeah one of your guys is on a forum I use who stated I could get those deals so gimme or is it something you can sort?
Phoned up sky for better deal on my package , sky would not move on the price so a waste of time and effort , don`t think they really want customers to stay with the offers they are giving out , very disappionted to be honest

Usually they would offer you a discount off Movies/Sports to stop you cancelling them, unless as I said you already had some kind of offer on the TV already in which case they cant give another offer. If they have already cancelled those channels off you can only wait for an offer to be sent to you to put those channels back on. Keeping an eye on your offers on 'MySky' through the website (if your registered there) is a good way, the Sky page on Facebook also gives some good offers too. As the HD is only 5.25 a month there isn't much of a saving to be had there and there isn't always an offer available to give out on that. Phone/BB is a good route to go, call up and say your considering cancelling as you've seen better offers elsewhere and you want to know if they can offer you a better deal to stay with them before you put the order through with another company. (When you move BB you order with another company and they cancel your services with sky on your behalf so they know this is their chance to give you an offer before they loose you)

Giggz Yeah you just phone up, say something like you've changed your hours at work and need to make savings or reduce your package. As i've said the people on the other end know most people are calling to get deals and their bonus is based on you calling saying you want to cancel but go away taking nothing off so it works well for both you and the advisor. Downgrades/Cancellations cant call you you need to call in yourself i'm afriad :)

Sometimes it depends on the person you get through to, it doesn't hurt to try again. The departments close at 8pm so a good way is to call about 7:30-7:40 as they dont want to be hanging on the phone past finishing time so will prob. throw you some good offers just so they dont have to hang around past finish time :) As I said it does depend on what you have with Sky and what offers you already have.

Usually they would offer you a discount off Movies/Sports to stop you cancelling them, unless as I said you already had some kind of offer on the TV already in which case they cant give another offer. If they have already cancelled those channels off you can only wait for an offer to be sent to you to put those channels back on. Keeping an eye on your offers on 'MySky' through the website (if your registered there) is a good way, the Sky page on Facebook also gives some good offers too. As the HD is only 5.25 a month there isn't much of a saving to be had there and there isn't always an offer available to give out on that. Phone/BB is a good route to go, call up and say your considering cancelling as you've seen better offers elsewhere and you want to know if they can offer you a better deal to stay with them before you put the order through with another company. (When you move BB you order with another company and they cancel your services with sky on your behalf so they know this is their chance to give you an offer before they loose you)

Giggz Yeah you just phone up, say something like you've changed your hours at work and need to make savings or reduce your package. As i've said the people on the other end know most people are calling to get deals and their bonus is based on you calling saying you want to cancel but go away taking nothing off so it works well for both you and the advisor. Downgrades/Cancellations cant call you you need to call in yourself i'm afriad :)

Sometimes it depends on the person you get through to, it doesn't hurt to try again. The departments close at 8pm so a good way is to call about 7:30-7:40 as they dont want to be hanging on the phone past finishing time so will prob. throw you some good offers just so they dont have to hang around past finish time :) As I said it does depend on what you have with Sky and what offers you already have.

This is the 5th time i have try to get a good offer and 35% is not good enough for me to stay , they are not even trying to keep me as a customer
Was it a 12month offer Hitman? 35% isn't too bad an offer tbh, not from you calling up and asking for a discount anyway. As I said it's a bit of a game and you need to accept that you've got to play it a certain way. It's not that the advisors dont want to give you a better offer it's just that Sky have only given them certain offers they are able to give you. We dont make them up ourselves we just click on the offers that come up.

For the BEST offers, I would advise to make sure your contact details are upto-date (Phone, Email Etc.) then cancel your account and you should get a call just before the account is actually cancelled making you a really good deal to stop it happening from the Winback team. Or you need to let it all cancel off and wait for a call from them to re-activate the account. It's a pain but you can get deals where you pay just 25% of the normal prices this way.

Any offers they send you in the post are called 'Mailshots' and are saved on your account so that when you call in the advisor clicks on them and applies the offer. You just need to call in and say you recieved a Mailshot for the offer.


I dont see anything in my private message folder? Maybe you sent it through trust and it's in my email which I will check later when I can.
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Dinzi, that's actually a pretty good offer, based on what you have. As I said in the long post we can only work with the extras on the account. £45 is about as good as your going to get i'm afraid.

If your doing a 'Home-Move' they will often charge you to move your services, if your out of contract the best way to go about it is to either;

Go through to cancellations, say you want to cancel your services, tell them your moving house and dont want to take it with you and they should offer you free home-move and a deal to keep your account


Cancel your account, re-open it at your new address and get a new customer offer with free install and a new HD Skybox.

Many thanks for the advice, i will try call up soon.

I currently have a discount on my account and i am more than happy with it, i would be happy for this to continue. What's the best way to go about this? I'm not actually sure when it expires to be honest! My account section just says discount.
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