Sky TV (Offers and Advice)

How how do you find how long you have left on your contract? Can't seem to find it in MySky online.

My bill is going up to ~£110 a month in July which seems a bit ridiculous, will need to phone up.

Any offers they send you in the post are called 'Mailshots' and are saved on your account so that when you call in the advisor clicks on them and applies the offer. You just need to call in and say you recieved a Mailshot for the offer.


I dont see anything in my private message folder? Maybe you sent it through trust and it's in my email which I will check later when I can.

Sorry, yea i sent it by trust.

Any offers they send you in the post are called 'Mailshots' and are saved on your account so that when you call in the advisor clicks on them and applies the offer. You just need to call in and say you recieved a Mailshot for the offer.

thanks for the advice .. still mulling it over tbh ... I just had a 4 month entertainment offer on nowtv for £3.49 ive just taken .. And apart from GoT and some footy I still cant see what id want it for on a full sky package :/
Warning to the OP

DO NOT DO THIS - I did this on this very forum many moons ago when I worked in the sales dept (student job, didn't care) - I was formally warned. If I wasn't leaving anyway it would have been treat "seriously"
Awesome OP! I used to have sky but cancelled as my 75% offer expired! Any chance something similar could come back? Have sent you message via trust
Awesome OP! I used to have sky but cancelled as my 75% offer expired! Any chance something similar could come back? Have sent you message via trust

They will not offer you 75% discount again , they will not offer you nothing similar or even close to 75% , i have been after a fair deal and sky are not even coming close , the max is 35% and that is not good enough to be honest , very disappointed
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OP, what a fantastic post.

However please remove any details that could bite you in the backside if SKY do find out.

This is very helpful and will be a great thread, just would harte to think you get into trouble!

Bringing back on topic, I have a mailshot of 60% off plus £100 theory is this the best possible offer I could expect to receive?

I did give my old box to my parents as theirs had been playing up so currently have no box available...would there be anyway of getting a box chucked in also?
I use a website for my sky £10 a month and can stream nearly every sky channel and really good quality. Only downside you can't record or nothing and it is streamed but for £10 a month its a bargain and on the plus all sports in HD

We currently have:

Sky go extra - £4.30
Family with Sports HD £66.75
Broadband unlimited - free
Sky talk Line rental - £16.40

Total monthly - £86

Is there any options available to us for reducing the total?

Many thanks for the thread, very helpful and very interesting!
Sorry peeps, cant help with any issues where I have to access your Sky account as it records any agents who do so as a 'footprint' on the account but am happy to advise any offers or give general advise on how to get things done.


Update on some new offers available;

12Months FREE UPGRADE TO FAMILY PACKAGE (12month Recontract) which is ually £36pm.

(Basic channels in HD, all basic TV channels, plus the Boxsets of TV series available through the On-Demand service) This is available to all customers whatever package your on (Except if your already on Family obviously)

If you are currently on 'Original' bundle which is £21.50 you will get free upgrade saving £14.50 per month (£174 a year)

If currently on 'Variety' package which is £30 you save £6 (£72 a year)

*They are also offering 12months free Broadband Unlimited if you order this for the first time at the same time as upgrading to Family package, or if you already have the Family package.

*If you have a non-wifi box, or you are unable/unwilling to connect using an ethernet cable then you can ask the advisor about getting a Free Wireless On-Demand Dongle. Some account are eligable to get a free one some are not, always worth asking!


If you used to have Multiscreen with sky in the last year or 2 Sky are now sending out 'Mailshots' (letters) offering to turn the service back on and are even offering a free (Wireless) Sky+ HDw Box and free Install (if you need it in a different room)

Also if you are upgrading to the family package and taking Multiscreen for the first time you can get a free 2TB HDw SkyBox (£499 RRP) or you can buy one for £49 if you already have Family package.


Offering the Asian channels, Zee, Sony, B4U Movies, ARY Digital etc.

Usually £15 per months, currently on offer for £5 per month for 12months. Anyone who doesn't already have the package can get this offer, or they will prob. offer it to you if you are calling speaking to the downgrades team about removing it.


Half Price Broadband Unlimited for 12months for new customers, or Free for 12months if you have or are upgrading to the Family package. (Usually £7.50per month but going up to £10 per month for new customers shortly)

3month Half Price MUTV, Chelsea TV, Liverpool TV. (Usually £7 per month)

Sky Go Extra 2months FREE

75% is difficult to get, usually that's the kind of offer you might get if you've cancelled your account and Sky has rung you just before or just after your notice period is up, but as long as you are out of contract it's always worth calling in and saying something along the lines of 'My current offer is about to expire and I dont think I watch enough TV to justify keeping the account open at normal prices' and see what they can offer you keep the account going. Just remember my point about saying you want to cancel the account to get through to the actual cancellations team not just the downgrades team. With TV you can always give your notice to cancel and call up anytime before the 31days notice saying you changed your mind. Hitmans point about 35% off not being enough I dont really agree with, Sky is a luxury if you like the service you took it out for a reason knowing the normal prices so %35 less than what you thought it was going to be isn't at all bad. I've used the same supermarket for 20 years and never been offered that much off my shop, my Hairdresser has never offered me that off a haircut etc etc.


Yeah 60% off plus a £100 credit is a great offer, about as good as it gets tbh! Boxes are always difficult, i'm not sure what options the cancellation team have on that tbh give them a bell see what they can do, you can always get one used from Gumtree etc.


Do you already have a % offer on your account? Sky go extra is usaully £5ppm and the Family with Sports should be £71. As i've said you cannot have more than 1 offer at the same time on your account but if you dont then Half Price Sports for 3Months is available, and they are still offering Sky Sports for £17ppm for 12months (Non-Contractual) plus Half Price Sky Go Extra for 6months. These are 'Downgrade offers' obviously if your out of contract you are better off saying you want to cancel the full TV account and being put through past downgrades to the actual cancellations team to see if you can get a % offer off the whole account to stay with Sky.
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Still bit steep on demand a lot of smart tv's have on demand and in HD and for basic channels there not much different to freeview

It depends on what you watch I guess, channels like Sky Atlantic arn't available anywhere else (In America they pay £21 a month for that channel alone, it's just called HBO channel there) Sky1 and The Documetaries are usually a good watch and if you got kids the cartoon/music channels are a must. Smart TV's get things like BBC iPlayer, ITV Catchup etc. but if you look at the prices of getting the actual Box Sets of TV series like Game of Thrones, 24, ETC. are going to set you back a few hundred quid.
I'm on essentially the base level pack (no extra channels) but I do pay for the HD channels. Last year I managed to get that discounted down to £20 a month however that discount has now ended. Am I likely to be able to get anything better this time? Going to give them a call today about it. Not really looking to upgrade to additional channels etc, just want to keep what I have.

Forgot to say, I think I'm on one of the older legacy bundles because although I just get mostly the base channels I think I also get the F1 channel and all of the on-demand content.
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Hi Khan :)
Am currently with sky for just my phone and BB,no fibre :( here or likely to be
Been with you for about 5 years +
Costs are now £31+pennies per month,which is seeming a bit high
Any idea/guestimates of what I could negotiate it down to?
Am happy to stay with sky but Plusnet is also looking pretty good price wise

Don`t need or want TV as we have Freesat and Freeview :)
Hi Khan :)
Am currently with sky for just my phone and BB,no fibre :( here or likely to be
Been with you for about 5 years +
Costs are now £31+pennies per month,which is seeming a bit high
Any idea/guestimates of what I could negotiate it down to?
Am happy to stay with sky but Plusnet is also looking pretty good price wise

Don`t need or want TV as we have Freesat and Freeview :)

Problem here is your line rental is £16.40 a month, you might be able to get an offer on it but they dont give them out often as Sky basically pays this out to Openzone etc. which does maintenance on all the phone lines, Sky does not actually profit from this but occasionally will give you an offer so that you stay with them rather than go elsewhere.

If your paying £31 then I'm guessing your Broadband is actually 'Connect' which is actually a BT Broadband product. We lease it if there is no Sky Exchange in your area and Sky actually makes a loss on it. They pay more to BT to get this than they charge you to have it because again they would rather you be a Sky customer rather than a BT one so they take the hit.

I have seen them occasionally give out offers to make Connect the same costs as Sky BB Unlimited which is 7.50 (Connect is 17) if your out of contract best thing to do is give them a ring, say you want to cancel your BB so you get through to the proper cancellation line and if they dont offer you anything give your notice and wait to see if they either make you an offer there and then or call you within a week or 2 to make you an offer. You can safely call back within 20days and say you've changed your mind if they dont. (Cancel notice is actually 31days but there is a point where it is too late to stop it being cancelled 20days is a safe time to say you changed your mind)
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Hey Khan,

I have never been on Sky mainly due to the costs involved and whether or not it would be worthwhile for me. What is the best deal that is available for new customers that includes TV, Phone and Broadband?

Thanks :)
I'm on essentially the base level pack (no extra channels) but I do pay for the HD channels. Last year I managed to get that discounted down to £20 a month however that discount has now ended. Am I likely to be able to get anything better this time? Going to give them a call today about it. Not really looking to upgrade to additional channels etc, just want to keep what I have.

Forgot to say, I think I'm on one of the older legacy bundles because although I just get mostly the base channels I think I also get the F1 channel and all of the on-demand content.

So your basically paying £11.25 a month just to get the F1 Channel and the Sky1/Atlantic channels in HD. Again, being on the base pack means you wont get any offers from 'Downgrades' on that, you might be able to get an offer to keep the HD legacy though, 6Months half price (saving 5.62 at least) if your out of contract you've got to go down the 'I want to cancel the whole account because i'm not watcing enough TV to justify paying for Sky so I'm going to change to Freeview' route and see if you can get a % off the Original pack.
Hey Khan,

I have never been on Sky mainly due to the costs involved and whether or not it would be worthwhile for me. What is the best deal that is available for new customers that includes TV, Phone and Broadband?

Thanks :)

I've got codes so that you get

£25 for 12months (whole contract) entire DTV package, That's the Family package (All base channels + On-Demand Box-Sets + HD) All of the Sky Movies channels and all of the Sports Channels.

It's £16.40 for Line Rental (No offer on that)

£7.50 per months for Sky Broadband Unlimited (Phone line Internet) Currently offering it 12months Free for new customers.

Free HD Wireless Sky+ Box
Free Installation.

That's £41.40 per month for the whole Sky package. (Usually £95.90)

Let me know if you want a code.
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