Skyrocketing monitor prices

13 Jan 2010
Mini rant

Was looking for a new monitor few weeks back. Finally came to a decision but saw the prices have increased. And they haven't stopped

Obviously in guessing this is due to corona.
Shame as now I basically can't get one. The one in looking at has inflated by hundreds of pounds.

Is it people working from home driving it?
Computer 'monitors' are pretty garbage these days, quality control wise. Much better off buying a OLED TV (LG C9, CX range) instead, as long as you have room for a large, deep desk.

£1400 (often cheaper) gets you a 55" OLED, 120Hz, HDMI 2.1, perfect screen quality control wise and the best image quality possible. Only downside is a risk of burn in after several years of desktop use (ways to minimise/negate this).

LG launching a 48" OLED in a few weeks which will rocket in terms of sales for use as desktop monitors.

Yeah as much as I'd love that I think it's too big

If it was amazing for all my uses I'd get it.
But it's far too big for 3d design, photos.

I've decided to get one for each use. But these prices, no way.
He's complaining a £520 screen has went to £650, putting it out of his prce range and you suggest a £1400 OLED unit ? You mad, bro ?

I bought literally the cheapest 24" 144Hz 4:4:4 panel the other week direct for £79.99 It's excellent, and easily surpasses anything I'd seen preiously for less than £200. Cheap screens are good these days, it's not like days gone by where there was a direct relationship with price:quality

To be fair if it was amazing and did everything I want and it wasn't corona hell I'd probably go for it. Better warranty as well.

Looks like stock has just dried up basically of this monitor (EX3501R). Without amazon to hold down the price the other retailers have jacked up price a lot.

Pulled my old u2711 out of the garage and it still works. So won't be buying anything at all

Maybe when all this is over a load of people will stick them up for sale second hand.
Until then new monitor is off the cards

Should have gotten it on black Friday. Dang
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