
18 Oct 2002
What slicers are you guys using, I've always used Cura, simply because its what the guy at work used..

However I've recently started playing with Orca as its what the AnyCubic I'll be getting at some point is based on that, I've just printed the Storm Trooper out, and even on the same printer, it seems to be significantly better printed out sliced from Orca than it was printed from Cura..

Anyone else found this?
I went from cura to prusa slicer and found that I got better prints from it, never went back to cura but I should try it again at some point.
I think I’ll try orca now lol.
I used to use Cura with my Anycubic printer but switched to Orca after going to an Ender 3 KE, simply because Cura is slow adding new profiles and Orca had a profile that worked at good speeds.

I did try the Creality slicer but never really got on with it.
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