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Slight Tearing with BFG 7800 GTX 256mb

4 Aug 2005
Hi guys, i recently purchased a BFG 7800 GTx and even at stock speeds when playing counterstrike 1.6 (not source) at the bottom across the screen i get a tear all the way across the screen i have the drivers that came with the disk (i tried installing the new drivers and i get a error saying no Bios detected?) so could it just be a outdated driver?

* note: my image quality is on max although i don't have any antialiasing on or anisotropic filtering, but for a game such as Counterstrike 1.6 i wouldn't need it as it's hardly gfx card intensive
hmm i'l give it a go but the ones on the nvidia site i try installing it and get a error saying "no bios detected" or something like that, any ideas?
harris1986 said:
hmm i'l give it a go but the ones on the nvidia site i try installing it and get a error saying "no bios detected" or something like that, any ideas?

have you downloaded the correct drivers??? that sounds like the error you get when trying to use the forceware version for the mobile go 7800gtx
In 5 years I aint ever seen tearing due to me turning of both sync locks for opengl and direct3d, but have you turned these of ? (you need rivatuner to turn of sync for direct3d in new nvidia drivers, as in driver only opengl is viewable.
mda96bjh said:
have you downloaded the correct drivers??? that sounds like the error you get when trying to use the forceware version for the mobile go 7800gtx

hmm you could be right, any direct link to the correct drivers? and i have riva tuner with v sync off in both applications anyone used or using the 83.40 drivers?
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Just enable vsync to stop the tearing

The tearing occurs when your framerate isn't synchronised with the refresh rate of your screen so you "miss" frames leading to tearing
LOL, Yes turn back on by default, I have always killed both sync locks since G force 2 GTS Ultra and have never seen tearing outside a web review.
Yes It syncs FPS to your current refresh rate but its not as simple as that and it is to stop tearing, but if liek me you have never got tearing you can turn it off, please for now turn both back on to see if this is your issue, cause it may not be.
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