Slow Cooker wanted. Advice needed.

I'd recommend getting as big a one as you can fit. Leftovers for the win. Why goto all that effort for 2 meals when you could get 5-6 portions to put in your freezer ?
We have 2, and you get different results with the two

One of the above linked ones, which I do things that I prefer to cook a fair bit on the hob first, so browning meat and onions etc
And a crockpot one with a earthenware down instead (you can use this on the hob on low/medium heat) which seems to produce better results for things like joints of meat

The crockpot one they have in tesco right now for about £25 I noticed the other day

They don't cost peanuts to run, but use probably less than a KWh for a long cook. Well worth it.
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