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Slow I7 to quicker I5 in old Laptop

If he sold you something which wasn't as advertised, simply put in a complaint and he will be made to pay for postage back to him. Done it loads of times

No, I am sure he simply didnt know what he was selling and that he simply saw it showing up 4 cores... Simple and easy mistake to make.
Im not going to waste my time over a couple of quid... I will be just as happy topiddle about for a bit and then bin it rather than waste time argueing over it.
I simply cannot be bothered to worry about such a trivial issue that lets be honest, is hardly going to force me to sell my house to pay for it is it?

You just watch now... I will be £8 short for my mortgage payment and because if that, I will default and the costs will escalate beyond my control and in 12 months time, I will be holding a cup out asking for 'spare change' on the street! - LOL

the i7 isnt 4x 1.6 tho. like i posted earlier, its 2.8 on one core, 2.4 on two cores, 1.73 on three or four cores.

You did say yes...

My thoughts on that, are that when I can force 2.8Ghz mode, was it also disabling the other 3 cores?
I never thought to look... I simply assumed that it was all 4 cores running at 2.8

Even so, when it does this automatically, it only does it when it is only using the one core... It will boost that up to a max of 2.8 and if it is using 2 then it goes to a max of 2.4 and 3 or 4 cores it only boosts up to 1.73, so in other words, going by that fact, then it is clear to me, that the I5 which is already at 2.6 is running the 2 cores ( plus the 2 HT ones ) and the I7, if it is running on 2 cores, can only at best hit 1.73... That means that the I5 is faster than the I7 in this case then?

Im still not entirely convinced the I7 is the better CPU, and so benching will be the best way really for me to know. Cache may also play a big role. Its absolutely shocking at just how much of a role this can play in some CPUs.
um. youd have to look with hwmonitor or something to see if forcing speeds will force all cores. for auto turbo, 2 cores it would be i5 2.6 + ht vs i7 2.4 +ht, so 200mhz faster.

This sodding Laptop has stopped working??
Woke up just now, well an hour or so ago, and went to do some more meddling and it wont turn on?
I hope I have not killed it with all the stuff I have been gettign it to do lately? LOL

I guess I will see what happens when I put the I7 back in then? ( erm... lol ? )
Ah well, I cannot get this Laptop working at all?

Looks like it wont matter what CPU I put into it now eh?

The only thing I am going to do now, is strip it down to its bare nuts and bolts and see where we go from there?

My own fault really, and I am not upset ( liar ) but I would like to know what I did to kill it because it was working just fine and now its not... No clues, and that is when it usually happens I know, but, I also know that I did nothing that was abnormal really!

Seriously though, it was a great little laptop and a really rock solid little bugger for Linux, so it will be missed until I get a new laptop... Oh heng on, I have a dozen or so, so I will just go back to one of my other ones... And there we go... My new Linux Laptop is a Sony Vaio I3 2.4Ghz thats been sat on the shelf for a year or so, so Job solved.

But as for stopping meddling... Not possible. I love meddling. thats what I love doing and if it has killed this Laptop then so be it. but thats half the fun of meddling... In my case, I like to know what other people have had, and their opinions and thoughts, and I haved my own thoughts of course, and I set about meddling and I find out if anyone has it spot on or if they are right out but in the end, who really cares? its all a learning curve and I love it.
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