slow performance in raptor?

12 Aug 2005
hey guys.. i've recently installed a WD360GD raptor and recently experience with slow peformance..
the bootup time was kinda slow, took a lot of bars in the winxp loading screens and when i launch an app or firefox,it does lags for awhile before it shows up..

i'm using registry mechanic and diskeeper10 to keep my registry clean and defrag my paritions often..

how do i increase the performance of the drive? it should peform better than this right?
i've heard people loading windows with 1-2bars on the loading screen only..

hmm.. i went to deivce manager, under nvidia nforce4 serial ata controller properties, and did a speed test on my raptor and seagate 7200 250gb drive..

Transfermode: Serial ATA Generation 1-1.5G
Enable read caching (CHECKED)
Enable write caching (CHECKED)
Enable command queueing (UNCHECKED)

Test Results (in millions of bytes per second)
Theroretical Limit: 150.0
Burst Speed: 99.0
Substained speed: 55.6

Seagate drive:

Transfermode: Serial ATA Generation 1-1.5G
Enable read caching (CHECKED)
Enable write caching (CHECKED)
Enable command queueing (CHECKED)

Test Results (in millions of bytes per second)
Theroretical Limit: 150.0
Burst Speed: 107.7
Substained speed: 67.2


Transfermode: Serial ATA Generation 1-1.5G
Enable read caching (CHECKED)
Enable write caching (CHECKED)
Enable command queueing (UNCHECKED)

Test Results (in millions of bytes per second)
Theroretical Limit: 150.0
Burst Speed: 107.7
Substained speed: 67.1

i've another 160gb IDE maxtor in my system too..
hm seems like the seagate is faster than my raptor???
wdEvA said:
how do i increase the performance of the drive? it should peform better than this right?
i've heard people loading windows with 1-2bars on the loading screen only..

The only way you can get Windows to load that fast is to really strip down the install and hardly load any drivers etc - great for the ego but no use in real life.

wdEvA said:
hmm.. i went to deivce manager, under nvidia nforce4 serial ata controller properties, and did a speed test on my raptor and seagate 7200 250gb drive..

Is this one of the original 36Gb Raptors and one of the new Seagate 7200.10s? If it is then I'm not that surprised, the original Raptors are getting a bit long in the tooth these days and have been overtaken by the new Seagates despite having the 10Krpm spindle speed.

There may well be a jumper on the back of the Seagate which is limiting it to SATA1 operation, removing it will give you an increase in burst transfer rate (see the ego comment) but no real benefit in sustained transfers.
nope its not a .10, should be a .8 or .9 not ver sure though..

hmm. but is my raptor supposed to perform that speed? the normal windows usage seems slow, if yes, then i guess i'll sell it off and get a normal sata hdd..

hmm.. i cant get the seagate to run at sata2 speed as my mobo onli supports sata1
Have you tried running HDTach on the two disks? If you post a screenshot of the output here it'll be easier to see what's going on.
Doesn't look massively off apart from the access times. First gen Raptors were fast in their day, but many larger drives have bested them for throughput. Most of the Western Digital KS and RE2 lines have higher average transfer rates as well as the Seagate .10 drives (some of which outperform 2G Raptors).

I would expect the access times to be a little lower and the throughput a little higher, but not massively.
The Raptor trace is in fact almost bang on the one shipped with HDTach for comparision purposes so there's not much wrong with it.
hmm. so if i were to get a .10, to be my OS, i should see around the same performance as my current raptor? but at lesser noise?
36gig raptor is useless. its platter density is not high enough to provide fast enough sustained transfer rates beside the 10k rotation speed compared to the newer drives that have far greater platter density.

if you going for a raptor the 74gig ones is the one to start with.
hmm seems like my ide maxtor was casing the slow performance that i feel, after taking the ide out, it seems a lot better while using my system..

so with a IDE, it will affect?
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