Slow Read/Write HD>Flash Disk

18 Oct 2002
An annoying problem, always seems to take longer to copy to/copy from my USB2 flash disk. On other peoples computers (even laptops with slower HDs) it takes about 2 minutes to copy a full 1Gb from the flash drive. With mine is takes 3-4mins. Any explanations? Got a IDE 7200 8MB and SATA HD.
most recent drivers ?
deffo plugged intoa usb2 port ?
Deffo usb 2 ?:p (I know that sounds daft but theres a lotta usb1 drives masquerading out there)
it must be reading at usb2 because i use it on a friends USB1 computer and that takes a good 10+mins to read/write 1GB

the weird thing is it seems to be a gradual problem - used to do it in 2mins easy but over last year has got slower.
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