I've noticed when backing up some data that the transfer speed has plummeted to 25MB/s when moving data from my Seagate barracuda pro 4TB sata3 internal disk to a 14TB sata plugged into a USB3 caddy.
I've tried another caddy and the speed is the same also. Tried a 5TB WD passport drive also and the speed starts off at 120MB/s and then plummets to 20MB/s.
Tried moving the same 6GB file to a network storage and it starts off ok and then runs at about 40MB/s over a gigabit connection.
I've checked device manager and everything appears ok, my system is an AMD X570 motherboard with 3700X processor.
In device manager it lists the IDE/ATAPI controllers as standard ahci controller and in the storage controller tab it lists it as a microsoft storage space controller.
PC works fine, no BSOD at all since built and OS runs off NVME drive and games stored on another NVME, downloads stored on the 4TB sata drive.
I've run seatools on the 4TB drive and it passes the tests with one reallocated sector only.
Any idea's please?
I've tried another caddy and the speed is the same also. Tried a 5TB WD passport drive also and the speed starts off at 120MB/s and then plummets to 20MB/s.
Tried moving the same 6GB file to a network storage and it starts off ok and then runs at about 40MB/s over a gigabit connection.
I've checked device manager and everything appears ok, my system is an AMD X570 motherboard with 3700X processor.
In device manager it lists the IDE/ATAPI controllers as standard ahci controller and in the storage controller tab it lists it as a microsoft storage space controller.
PC works fine, no BSOD at all since built and OS runs off NVME drive and games stored on another NVME, downloads stored on the 4TB sata drive.
I've run seatools on the 4TB drive and it passes the tests with one reallocated sector only.
Any idea's please?