Small stereo amp for pc.

12 Mar 2004
I'm just looking for a cheap and cheerful stero amp to use with my pc (thats actually worth buying), theres not much point in having an audigy 4 and using a £30 sound system like I am doing now. :D I plan to use it with a 2.1 speaker system.
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Sonic Impact t-amp is nice and small :) They're under £30 off ebay, add another £20 for an adaptor. Teamed up with some nice sensitive 8 ohm speakers it'll do a nice job for the price.

Dunno if you really need the .1 btw. If it's mainly for music a set of stereo hi-fi speakers will sound fine without a sub.

What sort of budget do you have for the speakers btw?
I use it for a mixture of games and music so I like the sub for the "BOOM" effects in games. :p Speaker budget is about £50.
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I have been using a Sonic T-Amp for a couple of weeks - very impressed at the price.

I have ditched my Cambridge Soundworks 2.1 in favour of some old Mission 73s. But I am music only no games.
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