Small / Super Cheap Desktop

12 Oct 2007
Hi All,
My mother desperately needs a new computer, I want to purchase or build a Small cheap thin client or a mini-PC that is Quick for her.

What she uses daily. Microsoft Office/Watching YouTube videos or HD content on it plus she plays some games, not AAA+ titles we are talking point and click games but still her current setup lags when using some of these, so enough graphics power needed to have a smooth experience in low end Games.

Would like:
Small MiniPC case
SSD to keep it speedy
Half decent RAM and Graphics.
She will connect to the internet via LAN, onboard wifi would be nice though.

Doesn't Need:
Keyboard/Mouse/Monitor/OS etc.

Does anybody know of any cheap thin clients that pack a punch or could handle some limited gaming/HD videos and just general browsing please?

or does anyone have a Spec they would like to contribute?

Any help much appreciated, thank you
No budget really, need to keep it as low as possible so whoever specs me, or can point me in the right direction or the cheapest deal please.

Don't know if it is doable for what I am asking but let's say, £500?

She doesn't need huge storage, was thinking a 250gb SSD for the OS.

Not sure if I am being over optimistic on price?
£500? Surely that's doable on less than half of that!

I hope so! I was looking for as cheap as possible, I didn't put a budget initially because it really is how low can you go?

But also will it achieve a decent experience for what I'm asking. Her current PC is ancient running on WindowsXP with a 5200rpm HDD drive so anything is gonna be an upgrade.

Not wanting to spend a great deal as this isn't for a special occasion/Birthday or anything just thought I'd grab her a better system if I can as a surprise
Why not an ex office workstation, something with an i5 of eBay, then chuck an SSD in and upgrade RAM?

This is probably along the right lines, however I wasnt planning on going the 2nd hand route.

I was thinking i5 in a Micro-ATX case, SSD, some Ram and was thinking onboard or very cheap graphics card.

How about Atom PC's?

You can buy a 4 thread 4gb one for about £150 with HDMI out and Win 10.

For example, "sumvision cyclone"

Would that really be powerful enough? the features seem good especially for price but I'm sceptical.

Apologies if I am not putting across my exact needs, just not sure whats on the market nowadays, was hoping their might be some bundles or similar packages for my needs already out there. Thanks for the input thus far.
Nobody care to spec some parts or a deal for me from OCuk's site?

I've been looking at something like this: Asus VC62B-B007M - Intel® Core™ i5 -4210U processor / Vivo DualBay / ac+BT4.0 Mini PC

but worried about graphics and such. Anymore specs or setup recommendations much appreciated.

Thank you
Im struggling to spec a system under £500, when adding case, cpu, motherboard, memory, graphics card and all.

Even using OcUK's bundles as soon as a I add a case and GPU/PSU im well over.
Thanks for taking for the time to reply guys.

ExoMale I may go with something like what you have suggested CPU/Motherboard/GPU wise but reduce the SSD size (price) and maybe try find a different case.
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