I've had about 5 different manufacturers over the years from the original amazon ones, to the tapo ones and very cheap chinese ones. I've never had an issue with any of them other than some having to have very strong wifi signal to initially connect during setup.
I try to always buy the ones with power consumption monitoring built in now as that comes in handy over time as you can build up a picture of usage for certain appliances. Like for example, - geek mode now - my dishwasher has eco mode program which lasts 4+ hours, and an intensive mode that lasts 1hr 40 minutes. Which one uses more electricity I hear you ask? Well... actually they are very close, but eco uses loads less water so I am told by the manufacturer. Things like that...
I also use them for saving money by turning things off and on with schedules like the hot water tap, server, desk lights, shed lights, xmas lights, other lights, shed electric heater. With the stuff that are lights, it's convenient also to just be able to ask alexa/google to turn on or off a light or turn all lights off.