Smiley Abuse

9 May 2003
Hmmm, ok its been brought to my attention that I abuse the smileys too much :D Does anyone else have this problem? I normally finish most sentances over msn with a smiley of some sort due to the lack of body language. I used to get asked if I was joking etc. so started using them to express the general feeling of the sentance, but now get moaned at for using and abusing the little blighters :p

Is it just me or what :)
Hmm:), good :rolleyes: thread :cool:. I don't think I do abuse or over-use smilies and I don't think I ever use them innapp:confused:ropriately.

Actually, I like to end my posts with a happy smiley most of the time because otherwise I feel my posts fall flat, since I don't exactly go over the top with emotion.
\:D/ yay. It makes the screen look amess but I find it hard to tell the tone of text without them lol. Especially when people's grammer is'nt up to scratch. A sentance can be taken in many many ways :)
Me too, I must stop
Tru said:
I'm not keen on smileys, I only use them when absolutely necessary. I mean, I don't think I've ever done :p or ;) or :D in normal conversation.

Same. You're a dry witted Scot, if they don't get it it's their problem, that's how I see it anyway. It's also sometimes good to omit smileys just to get a reaction.
I find it VERY difficult to post without using smilies :o

When I worked for tech support I used to put little smilies in the service records and when replying to emails I lost count the amount of times I had to delete a smilie after accidentaly typing it :p

:p - That's my fave one
I use them almost in every sentence :p mostly the :p
As you can see, I still can't seem to stop ;)

So many posts on OCuk i've had to edit because it wouldn't let me post with taht many smilies :(
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