Smiley Abuse

Tru said:
I'm not keen on smileys, I only use them when absolutely necessary. I mean, I don't think I've ever done :p or ;) or :D in normal conversation.

Mohinder said:
I really hate OcUK's wink smiley. I just detest it. I don't even know why!

Is it the actual smiley or the way in which people use it? :confused:. It can look quite patronising and smug I suppose!

Personally, I love smilies; I think they are a great way to enhance written communication in forums or MSN et al. :).
I like smileys, I think they can help convey the mood of the poster and help clarify the meaning in some cases :cool:

I probably use them too much :rolleyes: but I don't care :p

Can anyone tell me where I can get some of those animated ones people use sometimes? Is there somewhere you can download them or do you just pick them out of people's posts and stash them?

Stan :)
Bigstan said:
Can anyone tell me where I can get some of those animated ones people use sometimes? Is there somewhere you can download them or do you just pick them out of people's posts and stash them?

Stan :)

I pinch them from other people or other boards but there are several websites out there which supply smilies - if no-one else has posted I put some links up once I get home

Bennah said:
I think we should get 'cheers' / 'toast' smiley ;) :D

Takhisis said:
I pinch them from other people or other boards but there are several websites out there which supply smilies - if no-one else has posted I put some links up once I get home

Thanks Sam :)

I used to get pop-ups for smileys but I make a point of immediately closing and blocking any unwanted pop-ups as I wouldn't trust any company which uses such tactics.

Stan :)

The top three are the ones I've mainly pinched from, as I said I also get some from other forums

Kell_ee001 said:
Hmmm... that one looks familiar!


I didn't pinch that one from you - I went in search for some celebration and party ones and that was one of the ones I ended up with (I have probably pinched a few others though
My smilie collection:
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I like using smileys but only in moderation, I don't like seeing loads of them on posts as it then becomes a bit distracting!

My favourite is :rolleyes: but I rarely use it unless I'm being sarcastic at myself as some people can take it the wrong way.
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