
Aruffell said:
I started smoking cigarettes when i was 11 (something that i'm not proud of)

I quit in September 2004.

Proud moment in my life.

During my college life i started smoking Cigars.

Even now i still have one every so often.

Anyone else smoke cigars every so often?

I only smoke Hamlet's.

I have around 1 every couple of weeks or so.

I'm not addicted and could stop any time but it does calm me down a fair bit etc...

Anyone else the same?


No offense mate..but why do all your posts read like shopping lists? Form a sentance dammit. ;)
shifty_uk said:
I also find that Cigarette smoke makes me feel weird, makes my eyes sore etc.

Edit - Does anyone else get this?

After a night out I often find my eyes are a little sore and my throat feels a bit dry which could be cigarettes but equally it could be the fact that I've been drinking. It is difficult to tell since pretty much every time I've ever been out someone in the pub has been smoking :)

For the original question, nope I've never smoked a cigar and doubt I'll ever feel like it although in some ways I can almost see the attraction of the 'ritual' that goes with it.
Tried&Tested - why not?

Frankly i don't care, people can read it can't they, i'm not entering an English competition.

I smoke cigars when I play poker or on special occasions. Last time I had a cigar was at a mate's wedding.
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