Snails and slugs on pavements

31 May 2024
The last few weeks I've been going late night walks to clear my head after my mother's passing and have noticed an abundance of snails and slugs on the pavement where ever I go. Me at first thinking I was saving them would pick them up and put them on a grassy bit. Yes even the slugs which leave my fingers looking like I've just been watching ***an adult entertainment website***.
Now I'm just leaving them as maybe I'm doing more harm than good in my ignorance.
Why do they do it and not stay on the grass?
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I think I would throw up if I had to pick up a slug without gloves on, I detest the things.
I'm sure they serve a higher purpose on this planet but all they seem to do is eat everything in my garden, and on the odd occasion get stuck in my cats long hair and I have to snip them out.

Aweful creatures slugs, don't mind snails like, taste like chicken.
I think I would throw up if I had to pick up a slug without gloves on, I detest the things.
I'm sure they serve a higher purpose on this planet but all they seem to do is eat everything in my garden, and on the odd occasion get stuck in my cats long hair and I have to snip them out.

Aweful creatures slugs, don't mind snails like, taste like chicken.

+1 anyone who's got any sort of garden you can guarantee these things will ruin it.
I did not know this. Thank you.
Depends on which way they are heading. Picking them up and placing them where they were going could save them hours of dangerous travel. (how many times have you heard that crunch under you foot in a dark alley). They usually come out when damp or raining as it's the ideal time to get around as it's easier to glide along.
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because they average 20,000 in a single garden and the Government banned cheap and effective slug pellets and replaced them with very expensive environmentally friendly ones. So now they are left to breed to huge numbers and end up everywhere
I did "walking therapy" after my Mum died too. All the best with that.

My slug and snail experience is mainly down to trying to keep 'em off my veg (they do like a pea/bean plant!) and this wet, cool year seems to have given nature licence to print gastropoddy gits! I do try to hoik them over the fence onto the path behind me (at midnight, obvs, not school home time) but the novelty has worn off and there is murder in my heart. #NotAnotherOne! I have a visiting hedgehog though (down from 3 two years ago) which means pelleting isn't an option. I may have to start sending them to a farm, just like all the sweet little lily beetles that murder my lilies. Either way, all my hoiking is most definitely done wearing gloves.
The last few weeks I've been going late night walks to clear my head after my mother's passing and have noticed an abundance of snails and slugs on the pavement where ever I go. Me at first thinking I was saving them would pick them up and put them on a grassy bit. Yes even the slugs which leave my fingers looking like I've just been watching ***an adult entertainment website***.
Now I'm just leaving them as maybe I'm doing more harm than good in my ignorance.
Why do they do it and not stay on the grass?

No answers there, but I'm sorry about your mum mate.
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