Snapped the "hockey stick" of my sata HDD

17 Dec 2006
Nightmare as it is, I'm managed to snap the L shape / hockey stick of the back of one of my sata hard drives :( The part I'm refering too is the actual sata connection, where it has 7 pins and the: _____| shape around it. To make matters worse, it just flew off somewhere and I cannot find it. Anything anyone can suggest to make a custom job on it? Was thinking of some things to replace it with and maybe superglue it on but couldn't really think of anything worthwhile, as the sata cable just attached to it falls out obviously since it's not got anything to hold it in.

Any suggestions :confused:
Thats happened to quite a lot of people on here, and most of them have succesfully RMA'd it and got a brand new one :D
Ohh, I automatically assumed that my warranty would have invalidated. I'll try to get an RMA :) Thanks for the post.
Well, unfortunately got denied a replacement :( Had an e-mail stating:

"Physical damage is not covered under warranty, as such we would be unable to replace the drive for you".

So, any suggestions of something to use to maybe glue in there to keep the sata connector in place?.
What a good idea... OP, try that and tell us if it works or not... might help others who face this problem in the future....

(here's me hoping it won't happen to me in the future :eek: )
Doesn't the plastic lug actually help to establish a connection, without it I'd have thought it'd be very unreliable.
have broken a load of these at work in the past, all you need is a bit of superglue and make sure the contacts are lined up properly.

IAmATeaf said:
Doesn't the plastic lug actually help to establish a connection, without it I'd have thought it'd be very unreliable.

Indeed, the metal connectors in the plug are resting on the plastic, glue it back when you find it!
Could find the little bit that snapped off, instead i got a bit of black plastic and created a shape of the "L" using some nail clippers. Scratched some lines in it for the pins and rest it in, seems to fit fine. So I've super glued that in, hopefully that does the job :)

Also, thanks for the replies! Did try one of the sata cables with a metal clip, but it just fell out.
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