SNES Mini/Retro consoles modding service

So would you recommend the sd2snes over an adapter and individual American games? At the moment I’m only interested in the Mario bros games, Mario Cart and super bomber man and Zelda (I want to get the multi tap for 4 way play at some point). Is the sd2snes pretty problem free? Obviously if I just need to get that and i never have to buy anything that’s great but i don’t want the games to not run perfectly. Do the ROMs come with the SD2SNES or do they need to downloaded separately? Thanks for all the help and advice btw.
So would you recommend the sd2snes over an adapter and individual American games? At the moment I’m only interested in the Mario bros games, Mario Cart and super bomber man and Zelda (I want to get the multi tap for 4 way play at some point). Is the sd2snes pretty problem free? Obviously if I just need to get that and i never have to buy anything that’s great but i don’t want the games to not run perfectly. Do the ROMs come with the SD2SNES or do they need to downloaded separately? Thanks for all the help and advice btw.

If you only plan to play a handul of games then yes feel free to just purchase the carts but by the time you bought them all you may end up spending about the same as getting the SD2SNES itself which can run pretty much the entire library from SD card perfectly (and actually even better than the originals, search youtube for SNES MSU for some of the amazing things this cart can make the Super Nintendo do). I'm afraid I cannot help you with your last question as discussion of that type of thing on this forum is not allowed.

If you feel this is getting a little too expensive then there is another option to getting real hardware and that is to buy a SuperNT which you use on modern TVs but has option to make games look like they did on old CRTs. It supports all cartidges (JAP, US and PAL) can run games from SD cards and even works with the SD2SNES cartidge. Some members on this forum own one and they come highly recommended.

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