Sniper Elite 4

Have enjoyed 2 and 3 immensely - bit of stealth, bit of laying explosive traps and lots of good old fashioned shooting the bad guys in the face.

Will wait for it to be on sale as usual too.
Cant link because of bad Language but I 100% agree with Sniper Elite 4 - Worthabuy?

I Just watched that video.

"So not only is the AI fxxxxxx hypnotized, brainwashed and stupid, you can see them through the fxxxxxx walls".
I pictured chubby brown as he was talking as he sounded a bit like him. :D
Whilst I do enjoy WAB's videos he missed a few vital things which may have changed his mind.

If you select Authentic (Hardcore) you get no x-ray vision, no target assist, target tracking is off, you have no enemy indicators, no warning if enemies are behind you, no hud, no radar ... believe me it's a totally different experience in this mode.
Whilst I do enjoy WAB's videos he missed a few vital things which may have changed his mind.

If you select Authentic (Hardcore) you get no x-ray vision, no target assist, target tracking is off, you have no enemy indicators, no warning if enemies are behind you, no hud, no radar ... believe me it's a totally different experience in this mode.

Yes, i noticed he'd put that as an overlay on this video since first watching it. Wonder how it is as a game without all those crutches?
Just watched WAB's video, never seen any of his before, thanks for that lads.

Having played SE 2 for not very long because I just thought it was crap and only played SE3(much later than release waiting for rebellion adding in Mantle CF that they bummed up- and never produced:mad:).

Ended up chucking it after so many levels because it was boring.

Due to watching Wab's vid, (even though I didn't realise it at the time) now the penny's dropped on why I'm not enjoying gaming much due to the dumbing down of titles, catering for the armchair Console/PC audience.:)

I pictured chubby brown as he was talking as he sounded a bit like him. :D

Highlight of the vid for me was
I'd rather kiss a skunk than go on another minute.

LOL... WAB loves it really :p

Certainly doesn't llok or sound as though it's worth the full price tag. One to mark for grabbing in a sale.

If anyone has bought it, what is the multiplayer side like?

Only ask, as I used to enjoy playing on CoD Multiplayer sniper servers where the pace is much, much slower. Found it a great way to chill out & relax, so just wondering if things are of a similar pace in this?

I'll just post this here again ....

If you select Authentic (Hardcore) you get no x-ray vision, no target assist, target tracking is off, you have no enemy indicators, no warning if enemies are behind you, no hud, no radar ... believe me it's a totally different experience in this mode.

WAB's is brilliant, I watch all his reviews/previews and enjoy his format/comedy. This one review in particular has one glaring problem and that is everything he complains about can be turned off (see above).

The game is fun, it's not perfect in any form. The A.I is dumb, like running straight towards you dumb! but now and then they surprise you by running from cover to pick up an injured soldier and carry them to safety. You buy this game to watch bones and skulls shatter in slow motion x-ray vision and it really doesn't get boring. Play it like a stealth game, take out the guards from distance then move in setting booby traps and distractions then assassinate your main target(s) Bourne style.

It's not worth £30-40, maybe £20 would be fair but Mac got it wrong this time.. I'd say 6.5/10.
I’ve been playing this. Wasn’t sure I was doing it “right” as I was playing more like Splinter Cell, hiding in bushes and stealth killing with my knife, barely using the sniper rifle at all. But reading some of the posts in here, it doesn’t seem to matter at all. Play anyway you want as long as you complete the objectives.
Its not a sniper "sim" its more arcadey. This series really is my guilty pleasure I love it wish they would make more.
Not sure what all the fuss is about, 3 was quite dull and too short. 2 was good technically but lacked some fun factor. But I am loving this game!

You can play it like Sam Fisher sneaking about taking people out with silenced pistol and melee, hiding bodies and setting traps.
you can play it like a professional sniper knocking off sentries from 1000yds and causing panic as you disappear into the undergrowth.
you can play it like Arnie charging about with an automatic weapon and lobbing mines behind you everywhere you go.
And you can dial up the difficulty and dial off the HUD as you like with custom settings.

This is my go-to game right now for mindlessly knocking off a few nazis or shooting Hitler in the testicles.
I teabagged his corpse the other day - that just doesn't seem to get old.

And it's not one of those games you need to commit to, a twenty minute blasting session is as fun as a 3 hour whole map sneak about.

The only thing I don't like about it is grenades are pretty damn ineffective (infantry nearly always manages to run away) - unless you make them sticky and manage to hit an AI hiding behind a wall.

EDIT: didnt realise this was necro-bumped :)
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