
2 Jan 2008
Jersey, C/I
From the creators of Mudrunners:

I have been playing it since it's release and I just couldn't get into it for the first 4-5 hours, in fact, I often got frustrated by it and was close to not bother anymore. But once I got a few upgrade, better vehicles and got more experienced on how to drive these trucks, the frustrations turned into enjoyment. It one of the few games that got me really hooked, I feel its a really good balance between difficulty/frustration and rewards.

The biggest fun however is doing this online with friends, 4 player coop. Alas, cause it's on Epic most of the online friends I have won't get it, I did try public games and although a few have been really good, there are more and more people that simply grief (running amok, crashing into things, even a few people I caught using their winches to pull over trailers or objective making them near impossible to finish.

So I though of making a call out here to see if anyone with the game is interested in doing coop using OCUK discord to coordinate and have some fun with the game. Leave a comment here if you're interested.


PS. I couldn't find a thread on this game in the first 5 pages so I made one, if there's already one, happy to move this into that thread.
As usual with steam, there appears to be a premium edition & 'passes' (DLC?).

Is the base game OK? Are any of these essential, or worth the money on their own? TIA.

Just to add to the above, indeed the base game is fine and there's plenty to get yourself into but if you're like me, you really get hooked into the game, then other editions do add much content. I bought the premium edition on release which includes year 1 (four seasons of DLC) and adds much content to the game. Though you could get it when it's perhaps on sale but IMO it is worth getting at least the premium edition with all year 1 content but only if you're think you gonna like the game (similar to Mudtires although way better).
I got make some time to get back into this. Haven't played it for close to a year now, RL stuff etc.

One of the few games that I really got into (alongside the likes of msfs). I remember playing the game for the first time but I didn't like it too much, as I got past the 2 hour mark (couldn't refund it) I got more and more frustrated and then after another 3-4 hours or so it just clicked. I realized I was bring the wrong mindset/attitude to this game, was trying to play it a bit like the likes of Forza, do things quickly, get annoyed when it is not perfect etc. But once I realized it is more about problem solving and carefully looking at your route & tracks, plus planning and experience in your truck, then I was really getting a lot out of it. As most have said above. Multiplayer is certainly fun but ideally all on voice and you'll need people happy to work together and be patient (not an easy task on the internet nowadays). Also, though the world is pretty enough, it does feel like a painting, pretty but devoid of life. Needs a few more things just to feel it a bit more lived in, especially during single player sessions.
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