So...Fight Night then!

15 Dec 2002
In a cowfield, London, UK
As much as I hate and despise EA, I think the demo is awesome and I look forward to seeing the full game. Sad that its so far off atm.

I just love slow paced beat em ups like boxing/wrestling stuff. Games like
SF2/Mortal kombat etc where you pull out 50 moves in a second are too boring for me nowadays. FN is pretty classy stuff and I'm having a ball.
They are the devils for putting the 'rematch' option at the end of every fight. I'm going to be up all night playing it. Plus I've just spent £50 on COD2 which aint going to get used for a while. :mad:
Yer, I've replayed the same fight well over 10+ times so far since I got home lol. Getting used to the controls very quick.
InwardSinging said:
on the official ea website it confirms its shipping all regions end of february, so the thing about end of 06 in the game is not true.

Amazing game graphics are just, wow, It is winter 2006 if you think about it ;)
When it says winter 06 in the demo i think it means now. It's winter, it's 2006.

I didn't like it at first but after playing it 3 or 4 times I now think it's great!
It rocks :D

Just had 2 games (1st had a few knock downs but no KO, but 2nd game I got him on a KO) :)

Good fun, need to learn the controls tho
My best is 3 ko's (knock downs even!) in round 1 :p Been playing it non-stop since 6pm lol. Wish there was a difficulty setting though.
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Nice demo, even though I do suck at it :D

Probably won't buy the full game but it was enjoyable enough and as has been said the graphics are great.
Not a bad demo......Looks good but i ain't convinced.....I have Fight Night 2 and although this is a giant leap in the GFX department.....Nothing much else has changed.....Come the 15th fight, i'd be bored to tears :o
Aspect said:
Seriously does nobody else feel that the punches seem a little slow?
Not really, quite realistic imo, jabs are quick, blows that try and take your opponents head off are slower with a longer build up.

Towards the end of the 4th round the game plays very slowly but again this is for realism imo.
ea said , and if you played fight night 2 u will agree, that haymakers could be thrown way to fast, i for one only used haymakers i got it to a fine t, haymaker after haymaker, that spoilt the game, therefore the slow down is intentional
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