So...Fight Night then!

can someone post some nice HD scrrenies please, just to keep me happy until the game comes out or I manage to find a hard drive somewhere
fantastic demo, just from that alone i can tell its gonna be an all time fave, been playing the demo non stop

most satisfying game lol

graphics, well, still havent got over those yet
melchy said:
Does the other boxer learn your fighting style ? It seems a bit like that to me. I could beat Jones easily with Hopkins until recently and now it takes a real effort to beat him. Pretty cool if its got some sort of adaptive AI.
Yer, when you quit/start the game, theres a splash screen stating some of the features. It has adaptive AI, think the demo has too i'm sure since I've been playing it non stop since it came out.
I too am struggling to resist, but for once instead of bowling in, i will wait to see the alternative. Or pick up a cheap xbox once you guys start selling up ;)

All the bugs are putting me off too.
Had two quick matches just now, and I have to say I like it a lot. Obviously the graphics are immense, quite simply the most incredible graphics I've seen, in any game, ever. The gameplay feels slightly slow, not by a huge amount, but enough for me to notice. I love the minigame when you catch your opponent just right and you see it from their eyes while you try to land another punch.

If they can sharpen up the speed and add some new features to the fight and the career, the game will keep me engrossed for months.
Downloaded the demo and needless to say have been playing it since. Definate buy once it's released. The funny thing is I would never have considered a game of this nature had I not downloaded the demo, kudos to live!
Here is the control screen for anyone who has missed it (it seems to only appear for 3 seconds!)

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