So...Fight Night then!

When i eventually downloaded this last night..(yup even on a 10mbps connection it seems slooww downloading!!..) i got round to playing it and put it this way..after playing it for an hour or so i was looking on the net to see when its released!!..fantastic graphics..(even on this 32" standard tv..not for much longer though!)..this game in motion when the two fighters are up close swinging combos at each other even had my other half gawping at it and she was on the sims2 on the pc at the time and usually even a hurricane outside the window wouldnt get her attention of that game so nuff said lmao!.
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Just got round to connecting to Xbox Live and downloaded this demo straight away, absolutely fantastic.

Still a few graphic glitches to sort out but other than that it is brilliant.

Managed to get the blood to squirt into the camera :p
One "problem" with it (if you can call it that) is that I'm finding it a bit easy to knock someone down/out. With a fully charged up uppercut or hook, you can get them all but knocked down (you know what I mean, when it takes one more decent punch to put them down). I've KO'd (out properly, not just down) Jones Jr with a mere 5 punches inside 30 seconds. I suppose it does add to the realism a bit more, as you do see quick knock outs in real boxing, but I'd like to see it tweaked slightly so there is more of a penalty for using the fully powered punches and missing.
i dont know how to do haymakers, according to the stats at the end i have thrown a few.. i guess that could be his special move?
The haymaker is very slow though, and easily dodged or blocked. If you miss one it's pretty easy to get really hammered on the counter.
I think all this doesn't mean that much against the computer but to be honest nobody is going to be playing the comp after a few weeks, this game is really for 2 player or live, imho playing the computer is just like a little bit of training up for the real deal. :D
IceBus said:
Davey, how are you powering up punches? Or do you just mean waiting a while between them?
Hope I can explain this properly...

To do a full power right uppercut, pull the right thumbstick to the bottom right, then a half circle clockwise to bottom left, then to throw the punch circle it counter-clockwise to upper left. As Sutters said it's very slow though if it hits your opponent will be ready to fall, even if it's the first punch you land.
Davey_Pitch said:
One "problem" with it (if you can call it that) is that I'm finding it a bit easy to knock someone down/out. With a fully charged up uppercut or hook, you can get them all but knocked down (you know what I mean, when it takes one more decent punch to put them down). I've KO'd (out properly, not just down) Jones Jr with a mere 5 punches inside 30 seconds. I suppose it does add to the realism a bit more, as you do see quick knock outs in real boxing, but I'd like to see it tweaked slightly so there is more of a penalty for using the fully powered punches and missing.

I know what you mean... You can 'stun' (the thing where it slows down) them with the first punch you throw and then knock them down with the second.

I do like the way they go down after body shots though, much better than Fight Night Round 2 where they collapsed as if it were a head punch.

Can't wait for the game to be released. I agree with Sutters that most of the play will be online for me.
FYI peeps, using Config 3, pressing X & A or Y & B produces a left/right uppercut. Not sure if it's been mentioned here yet. Wish this would come out soon :(
PiKe said:
How do you counter?
You need to hold R and use the right thumbstick to block in the correct direction (if someone is throwing a punch at the left side of your face, you need to be holding a block aimed at that side too). If you do it right you'll bat their punch aside giving you a small window to counter. If you're quick enough some counter punches can be devastating.
just got round to down loading the demo and im impressed. gfx are preety good
but still it "feel" like it needs more work done it

still love the close up replay when you knockdown someone
There are some really easy combos that will floor the opponent everytime. For instance if you choose the left player, use illegal move first which elbows the opponents face, then straightaway do a special move haymaker and the opponent will fall 99% of the time(you may need to change stance depending on which way the opponents head leans when hes dazed.)

The AI doesnt seem to learn what you are doing too well so you can do this the whole way through the fight. Ive not managed to get a first round knockout depsite flooring the opponent over ten times in the first round.

I like the sound effects in the game, some can be a bit gory like the bone crunching sound in the replays that sounds like the guys head is caving in.
I cant seem to knock my opponent down when it goes in to the first person mode, they block every punch i throw! Also, when they rock me with a haymaker and goes into first person mode they knock me down everytime, not they get in that mode without me messing about. Any tips on this?
I usually do some punches/haymaker to the body, then follow up with a punch to the head.
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