So, I've printed a cooling duct, will see if the stringing is a cooling thing before I actually buy any new bits.
Theres also retraction and Z hop settings to possibly look at, I also have a new hotend and additional nozzles so can experiment a bit.
So far the list is different filaments, just different colours now I'm at the point where I'm 98% done, I printed an articulated chameleon yesterday, knocked it down to 75% scale and bar a bit of stringing all of the articulated parts articulate as they should.
I'm also gonna change the bed, I'm not sure if I'm going to go down the glass route or PEI route.
Bed thermal pad, for the rear of the actual hotplate, this is on the maybe list though.
Silicon hot end socks.
Probably going to print a fan bracket that allows me to swap the stock heatsink fan as well as incorporate ducting for the cooling fan on the side and maybe some sort of BLTouch fitting, but that is also on the maybe list, depending on how I get on with 3d printing in general I might buy another unit that's got these things added as stock and then either move the E3Pro on, or keep it for the odd bit and use the other as the main printer...
Anyone else got a buy list or thoughts on the above?