So how good is assassin's creed syndicate expected to be?

Crystal ball time.

Don't know I only played up to AC brotherhood and got bored. Depends how big of a fan you are, and don't mind playing a similar game but in a different setting.
I have been a huge fan of them all, although I'm not sure if i've played them all.

The last one had potential but was completely ruined by the bugs. There are still parts of Paris i've not explored because it crashes when I go to that part of the map.

Personally, I'd never buy a graphics for a game, especially before it was launched. I remember everyone on here running out and buying 8800's to play Crysis then crying when it still didn't work as well as expected.
Can't imagine anyone expects it to be especially great. You'd have to be mad to invest in it, or hardware to support it, before release - after the fiasco last time.
I tend to find they are average/good on a rotating cycle :p

AC1: Average
AC2: Good
AC3: Average
AC4: Good
Unity: Average
Syndicate: Good?
I've played them all to the point that I realised that I was just playing them out of habit, and time filler, as they aren't any fun.

AC2 and Brotherhood best, and Black Flag a good change, but generally the series is stagnant and needs putting on hold for a few years. But not going to happen as long as Ubi can milk it.

That aside the way Ubi treats gamers, bugs, performance issues etc means I'll no longer buy their games until they're extremely cheap and have been patched several times.

(AC3 is mind numbingly boring and takes an age to get started, by far the worst)
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I've played them all to the point that I realised that I was just playing them out of habit, and time filler, as they aren't any fun.

AC2 and Brotherhood best, and Black Flag a good change, but generally the series is stagnant and needs putting on hold for a few years. But not going to happen as long as Ubi can milk it.

That aside the way Ubi treats gamers, bugs, performance issues etc means I'll no longer buy their games until they're extremely cheap and have been patched several times.

(AC3 is mind numbingly boring and takes an age to get started, by far the worst)

Agree with this - have failed to get excited about any since I completed Ezio's story.

Played through 3 only because I got it free on PS+, found it really boring and only completed it for the sake of completing it.

I did actually really enjoy Black Flag, but only really for the sailing, and again I only played it because I managed to pick it up for £5 in a Steam sale. Got no real interest in Unity or Syndicate, as with BF will probably pick it up for £5 if I don't have anything else that particularly takes my fancy (i.e. in 2 years when I've completed FO4 and Deus Ex :p)
I loved AC:U for all of its faults and I will be getting Syndicate but not on pre-order and probs from a cheap site as and when.
Would not drop 980ti kind of money just to play one game, especially an AC game usually plagued by bugs and poor optimisation.
You can get it for 20 on key sites, i managed to pick it up on ebay for 17 and am looking forward to the london setting

I don't understand people who buy things before they are even you enjoy being bent over by publishers?

Especially after the fiasco that was the last game, that took 5 updates before it was 'playable' and I use that term loosely. It was so bad I had to have 2 installs on my PC, one patched and one unpatched just so I could switch between them depending on the bugs.
I agree with everyone's comments re. upgrading for a game is a bad idea. In earnest, I want a 980ti anyway in order to play GTA5, Witcher 3, and Dirt Rally. I can get the 980ti much cheaper elsewhere, but the wait time is horrendous. Thus, was thinking of ordering from here at a much higher cost, thinking that the present game promotion reduces the cost difference a little bit.

I'm merely trying to justify a guilty purchase in order to satisfy my impatience haha

All that said - I really do hope ubisoft get this right. The graphics in its London setting look phenomenal.
I don't understand people who buy things before they are even you enjoy being bent over by publishers?

Especially after the fiasco that was the last game, that took 5 updates before it was 'playable' and I use that term loosely. It was so bad I had to have 2 installs on my PC, one patched and one unpatched just so I could switch between them depending on the bugs.

This is what puts me off PC at the moment. You never know in what state a PC is going to land.
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