I didn't say that pre-orders were the cause.
If all sales are dependent on a good quality game being released developers and publishers will put more effort into delivering a quality product. If developers know that they can get a large portion of their sales via pre-orders there is less incentive to release that polished product.
You only have to look at Kickstarter games that received funding but never delivered. "We have their money, why bother!"
The fallacy is thinking that developers aren't trying. "Lazy devs" and all. That just isn't the case whatsoever. It's actually insulting if you knew just how grinding and rough game development actually is, especially for large studios with deadlines. I'm sure you've heard of 'crunch time' in game development and it's no joke. People work crazy long hours trying to get these games in the best shape possible for release day.
If a game releases broken, 99.9% of the time, it is not for lack of trying.
Sometimes it might be mismanagement, sure, but it is not lack of effort.
As for Kickstarter, the failures tend to result from over ambition and incredibly naive budgeting. Many simply get way in over their head and have no idea how game development actually works in reality and totally underestimate the complexity and difficulty in putting out a complete product. Not because anybody gets lazy or is trying to scam anybody. That has happened, but those are exceptions.
I can't take anyone seriously that doesn't care about a story.
That's cool. I have a hard time taking seriously people who think video game stories have ever been anything worth caring about in the first place, given they are typically B-grade in the *very* best case scenarios, and usually far, far worse on average.
In fact, they are often so bad, I get why video games aren't taken seriously as an art form by some. It is just embarrassing. I love story, dont get me wrong. I'm an avid reader, and I feel good books tend to trump any other medium when it comes to story by miles and miles. But video games are just awful in this regard.
To me, gameplay is king. I like other aspects, and hell, a moderately passable story is always nice to have in a game, but if I placed any sort of high priority on story in order to enjoy video games, I probably wouldn't be able to play them at all and I dont know how anybody else could, either.