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So I wnet and bought a Bulldoser

He he ,

Ok I have been using a sandy 2400 and a P67 rev 3 board and it was nice and all, but I fancied a change. going 25/2600k wasn't and option as the 2400 was a good chip in it's own right had clocked with the limited multi (upped the turbo) to 3.8/3.7 and 3.6 for all cores.

Now I got the itch to see what bulldoser could do, as per my sig I went for the FX 8120 as I knew the 6 and 4 cores wouldn't cut it for me. So far I'm impressed AMD might have marketed it wrong, but it is actually a very good chip. I havn't played much with it yet but running BF3 all cores are utilised and I now have zero lag on 64 player servers where the action can get pretty intense , I have had this upto 4Ghz and ran Cinebench and scored 6.5ish. And I know I'm gonna have fun overclocking this thing once the Bios matures on the Motherboard.

Yes all the bench marks show intel has it in the bag at the moment, but for me gaming performance is more than acceptable, and when encoding and ripping media Intel can't touch this thing in for the price / performance it gives.
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If you got a good enough CPU cooler, overclock it to 4.6~4.8GHz.

It will keep you nice and warm through the winter with waste heat from the extra 200-300W of power-consumption. You can even turn down the radiator a bit with to say some money on the gas...but energy bill will go up a bit though.

No Offence but your Q6600 probably draws more juice on Idle...:D
Please can we get back on track.

I'm interested in how it is for day to day.

My P2 is bottlenecking my GFX performance in BF3 - I can see all 4 cores maxed. I guess it's the CrossFireX + the extreme resolution.

I have run BF 3 in SLi and I can confirm that it utilizes all 8 cores around 50% and I have been able to up my settings as I get no slowdown in intense fire fights anymore i.e Caspian Boarder 64 player servers, on my 2400 sandy I had to run all medium as any Higher and and my FPS would drop in high density areas with lots happening.

Overclocking is easy on this chip although she doe's get a little warm but I have to do some proper testing / benching over the weekend.
Ok first Screen of rough OC



3D Mark 11




To answer about the 2500K I couldn't say as I've not owned one but this thing kills the 2400 all day.

For an all round processor this really ain't that bad, gaming isn't my main focus but it sure is more than acceptable.
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a 2500k would outperform it..

as i said as it is now even a PII 6 core outperform it clock for clock and for gaming it needs to be clocked atleast 600mhz higher than a PII 6 core to get the similar performance level.

I'd like to see a Phenom 2 x6 get a score like mine in 3dmark 11 ! All I keep reading is clock this clock that, I know the benche's and reviews don't lie and if all you give 2 hoots' about is gaming then yes the intels are a good bet, but for an 8 core CPU that can overclock really well and is the same price / performance as the cheapest enthusiast Intel chip it's very good. Just a shame that AMD got the marketing wrong that all .:rolleyes:
yeah but in most other things 4.5ghz BD 8core is = to a PII 6core 4ghz.

also most BD can only do 4.5ghz with safe voltage/temps

I agree and your results show that, also I agree on the 4.5 thing past 4.6 needs too much voltage and heats up like a bitch!

I still like it though and I have a base system that when new revisions drop I can upgrade etc.

Still the most fun oclocking I've had in a while.

My NB is at 2500 and HT is @ 3Ghz so through put should at least be good.
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