So my brother in law is actually wearing a tin foil hat!

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Sell him anti-5g defences £$£$£

But yeah wow....your very own actual tin foil hat brigade member. 'brother in law'. Contact a solicitor and arrange the divorce now whilst there is still time.

make sure he gets an actual tin foil hat and not that aluminium rubbish.
That's how THEY get you.
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A case I dealt with at our hospital around March 2021.
We had to carry out a Court of Protection on a 35 year old bloke because his beliefs ended up killing 3 members of his family who he had convinced that Covid was fake.
Within 3 weeks his Mum, Dad & Uncle had died and the COP was because he had lost his mind and he needed to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital.
Beliefs can cause many problems.

You're talking about an extreme situation when the OP's brother in law has an opinion about 5G causing him headaches.

As far as I know 5G and his headaches are medically unproven? So in OP's situation why should he care what his brother in laws views are on 5G and headaches?

My position is that people are entitled to their own opinions as long as they aren't pressing it on other people.

In your example he conviced 3 other adult people of his position. Once someone turns 18, as long as they aren't classed as a vulnerable person, then its up to them what they believe.

But let us say I'm wrong and we should be concerned about peoples opinions.. what do you suggest we do? Lock them up? Put them in camps? In either Germany and Austria they wanted to put symbols on the unvaccinated. My concern, and the reason I tend to take the position I do, is because I'm worried where its going to lead to going down the path of ruling on other peoples opinions. It seems very authoritarian. Maybe you can convince me its not?
we can't just let people who wear tinfoil hats and believe in flying pigs go about their business as normal, it'll rub off on the wrong people, some folk are dangerous! :p
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