So, one month on...

3 Feb 2008
For those of us who were stupid enough to queue on release day, how are you finding your iPhone 3G? Good, bad, ugly and overall thoughts :)
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Im happy with it . Think its an excellent device with the typical GUI of Apple.

Ps didnt queue up or anything like that, bought it as a one off :D
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I still think you're all sad fools for queueing at 6am to buy a phone, even one month on. :p

Yours, iPhone owner with some perspective on life.
Only bought mine last week! Contract free.
Not liking it as much as when I got my 2G one just because of the lack of customising that can be done with the 3G at the moment.

Battery life on the 3G one is also terrible compared to the 2G one
Only bought mine last week! Contract free.
Not liking it as much as when I got my 2G one just because of the lack of customising that can be done with the 3G at the moment.

Battery life on the 3G one is also terrible compared to the 2G one

Must disagree.

How much customising was there a month after the 2g was released? Not much!

My battery lasts 2 days including surfing 3g, some music playing, and phone calls :confused:
Battery was down to 65% after using it for internet and few apps, no phone calls at all. That was after it had sat on my desk and in-car charging to 100%
There probably was the same level of customising 1 month after the 2G but with all the hype behind the phone it went unnoticed, but now this is v2 of the phone I expected much more.

Going to charge the battery to 100% today and not plug it back in until its flat, see how much usage I can get out of it. Thats the one thing I really miss about my Blackberry, battery life!
Do you actually need 3G/GPS?

Reason I ask is that as a vaguely-interested outsider before I got my v1 iPhone even I knew that the iPhone 3G was essentially exactly the same as the first one but with a fixed headphone port, 3G and GPS.

I'm a little surprised to hear about people buying the new one when they already had the first one, especially when they valued the customisations.
GPS I will eventually use when it works properly, 2.0.1 seems to have naffed up my location finding and like everyone Im waiting for a tomtom-esque app.
I use sat nav in the car once a week so getting rid of that for £50 would be nice.
The recessed headphone socket was SO annoying as I couldnt use the iPhone headphones, they fell out every step I took. Got my Sennheisers in now and they're perfect.

The 3G I didn't need but I do use the internet a fair bit on the phone and its handy to have when Im out of the house as finding things like train times or cinema times on 2G took ages!

The way I summed it up personally was the cost difference
It cost me £110 to go from 2G to 3G.
Headphone adaptor for 2G would have cost £5
Satnav I can sell for around £50

So the change will have probably cost me £50 in a few months time and I managed to save money on my O2 Simplicity (£25/month to £14/month). So thats saving me money and I thought buying an 8GB 3G iPhone for £325 when they're being sold on an auction site for £400-500 isn't too bad as I can always sell it as I keep things in pristine condition.
I used to think GPS on phones was a killer app, but to be honest when I used TomTom on my previous Windows Mobile phone it just killed the battery and it barely lasted for the actual journey. With an iPhone I'm not sure I'd even want to mount it on the dash for fear of damaging/scratching it so I certainly wouldn't use one as a TomTom replacement.

The other issue - which I'm sure applies to the iPhone as well - is that the speaker isn't that great. One of the key strengths of a standalone TomTom is that you can hear it clearly over road noise, etc.

I suppose there is some merit to having GPS on a phone to tell you where you are and the closest pubs, banks, etc (which I know the iPhone can do) - but, at least personally speaking, it wouldn't be a deal-breaker if a phone didn't have GPS.
My iPhone plugs into my headunit which charges it whilst I listen to music.
Whenever the TomTom is on, I have music on and can't hear directions anyway but it would read them out over the music I assume as phone calls/text/email notifications are played over the music :)
Mount wise, I'm going to buy a dock and get it setup somewhere in the car, currently I have the iPhone at the bottom of where the radio etc are but Im going to mount a dock nearer the dash when GPS is working properly
I got mine on release day without even going to a shop, so nerr!

Still very happy with it, battery life sucked at first but its been getting better, apps are great and i love the user interface.

8/10 i'll give it, wish it would crash a little less, 2.01 has sorted out most of the issues but not all.
I'm a bit non-plussed to be honest.
All the really good bits were provided by the 2.0 update which I have on my 1G iPhone too.

I find I'm not using the 3G radio as much as I thought as I'm usually near a WAP.
GPS is a nice toy but I'm not really using it.
I prefer the design of the old iPhone.

Saying that, it's still the best mobile comms device out there. Just not such a big leap from the first one.
I'm happy with mine - still a bit peeved at the freezing and the monumental effort texting sometimes (although that's fixed with a tap of the home button) - but overall really impressed... 3g is MEGA quick in my area - so it's all good!
I'm warming to mine (v1) too after deriding it for so long prior to ownership. Haven't really used it for much besides texting/calling but as the touch interface (scrolling, pinching to zoom, etc) is just sublime.

On a slightly related note - does anyone know if you can buy protection (ooer) from O2 or CPW for the iPhone? I'm thinking specifically invisibleShield or equivalent.
Love mine, its a top bit of kit. I knew Apple were onto a winning formula when I saw the quality of the third party apps on I wish I could state the same for the 'quality' of crap on the iTunes store because there are only a handful of decent apps.

The device is brilliant. It's a shame its performance is hugely degraded with the 2.xx firmware. Even my Touch is suffering.

Connection/Coverage: I live in the Middlesex area and even there 3G is pretty much laughable, despite O2's map stating that the entire area has strong coverage. My experiences have been less than good. Half the time web-browsing is hardly fast but bearable.

Build Quality: With a Bodyguardz shield on the front, things have been superb. No damage or scratches so far. Wish that I could say the same for the tacky plastic rear.

Battery Life: Could be better. It seems to be getting better recently though, although that could be me as everyone initially hammers their phone on the Appstore etc for the first few weeks before things slow down. If I go to work on a full battery, I generally am down to around 30% by the end of the day after making a few calls and Twinkling at lunch. Suffice to say I have now got a dock at work for charging.

In general the device is top notch. What does bring it down is Apples stupid 'no background apps' rule. Sorry but that is pretty poor given that none of the decent third party apps hog the cpu and they all do a stellar job. BossPrefs, Customise 2.0, Summerboard, Intelliscreen - all awesome apps for jailbroken phones. Meanwhile the Appstore trundles along with nothing but crap bar a few decent apps including Remote. We need more 'Flashlight' apps plz thx.

Another killer is firmware 2.xx. It is hurting both Touch and iPhone a lot. Wish they'd sort out the issues quick - especially the random one where I end up pressing the Home button about five times before it actually does take me to the home screen.
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How long are peoples phones battery lasting generally then?
I charged mine to 100% at 12pm today. Ive been out for under 2 hours and its at 92%, haven't used it, just sat in my pocket. So on that basis it has a standby time of 24 hours, without evening using it at all :/
How long are peoples phones battery lasting generally then?
I charged mine to 100% at 12pm today. Ive been out for under 2 hours and its at 92%, haven't used it, just sat in my pocket. So on that basis it has a standby time of 24 hours, without evening using it at all :/

I got mine a week ago now.

This might seem like a stupid question, but how do you know what the battery is to the exact %? All I can find is the little icon and it's hardly that accurate.

When playing with GPS and 3G and I can almost watch the battery level drop. But I did get over 5 hours of use yesterday (down tot he 20% warning) watching videos and browsing the internet over 3G so I think Apple's estimations are pretty accurate.

When I turn off all the location based services, wifi and 3G the battery meter doesnt seem to move anywhere. I've had a whole day of use with these off and just used it as a phone and it was still almost full after 24hours. But then I got bored with it and turned the aerials back on :p I think the battery is good I just use it for so much more than any other phone I've ever had so it takes a beating.

Google maps is BRILLIANT. Finding things in areas I've not been to before will never be the same again! It makes it so easy. The accuracy of the GPS has also stunned me, it has never failed to find me even when I'm inside buildings - our old TomTom unit can't do that. I just hope they bring out decent navigation software for it soon.
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