I was going to reply but it's all rather futile.
Well done on turning a nice thread into another bash.
it isn't a bash, you made an objective claim, no fudging of words required - I asked will you appear on the list of lecturers with the official job title of lecturer? You said yes....
now it appears there isn't a "Mr" on the list
you could have said "erm well actually it is more a bit of part time tutoring at the college" or "well I've been appointed a TA"
you made the claim, you stated clearly both the job title and the institution and agreed that I would see a "Mr" on that list - you could have clarified at any point if it was actually something different to what you'd portrayed
why not just be honest, instead of exaggerating things all the time?
getting onto a PhD program is great, I genuinely mean the congratulations... that is an achievement in itself and doesn't need exaggeration!
but you then throw in things like being head hunted for it and previously made claims about a scholarship and I'm left wondering if that is just your way of saying you have funding like pretty much 99% of other PhD students... the lecturer claim seemingly hasn't turned out to be what you claimed