So what would you do if you had the choice?

12 Sep 2003
Newcastle, UK
Just been browsing the monitors on ocUK to see what's new and what prices are like and noticed the Viewsonic LED 22" screen. Price wise, I was thinking to myself "well for like £50 more you can get the 24" BenQ screen which is great!".

But I was thinking, which would you get from the 2 if you were offered one of them?

On one hand the BenQ has the full HD resolution and 1:1 pixel mapping and loads of inputs! However, the 22" Viewsonic has LED's which apparently give better colour.... so would it look better than the BenQ? But it's still just TN.

So... answer away please. I'd be interested to hear what people make of the Viewsonic screen.

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