So, which one would you have bought?

So an age old question is answered, Jesus drove a Renault 5.

I'd have the Lancia without a doubt, awesome piece of machinery.
It would be a toss up between the lancia and the renualt alpine :)

Edit: Does lancia still make cars or have they stopped now that they arnt rallying?
The_Dark_Side said:
they pulled out of the UK market approx a decade ago but still make and sell cars worldwide IIRC.

What happend!!!!
For a compony that was such a powehouse in rallying it hardly even recognises its acheivements and all the new cars look bland and have none of that herratige shown in them.

Its almost as if its a new compony all together :eek:
was in Italy at weekend and amazed by some of the Lancias they have. They looked stunning.

Do they stil rust as badly as the old ones?
Zip said:
What happend!!!!
For a compony that was such a powehouse in rallying it hardly even recognises its acheivements and all the new cars look bland and have none of that herratige shown in them.

Its almost as if its a new compony all together :eek:
simple really...people stopped buying their cars because they were absolute rubbish.
rust was a non-optional extra fitted at the factory,and some cars actually had electrics.....THAT WORKED!
by the time they cured this problem with what was probably the best anti corrosion protection for a mass producer, the damage was done...enough mud stuck and the public still had the now mis-conception that they were rot boxes and avoided them like the plague.
IIRC in the last year that Lancia sold cars in the UK they only shifted about 280 cars across the entire country.
The 5 Turbo Maxi.

Just look at it :eek: and look at the power it's pushing :eek:

That would look sweet on my drive :D
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