Social Media getting a bit...overbearing.

25 Apr 2010
I just today got a 24 hour ban from posting and commenting after calling my friend a **** on my own facebook status, this is on a private page which no one can see as I have strict privacy settings.

Now no one reported me and I was INSTANTLY muted the moment I posted it the comment. The comment basically went like this "(Insert name) You are such a **** lmao".
I have called people ***** before so I know this is a new thing and not something that was already in place.

The worst part of it was the reason was listed as hate speech.

Has anyone else had odd interactions with social media like this?
Will it help if we all call you a ****? :p

Just the way it goes. They go overboard on the tame stuff and seem to ignore the scams and stuff.
I avoid most social media like the plague with the exception of Steam if you can count it as such.

I don't like the idea of these big companies having my data, and I don't agree with the way they police themselves and those on their platform.

Unfortunately the only solution to avoid that sort of thing is to simply not use them, which isn't ideal for many.
It's classed as hate speech by Facebook
As its a derogatory term for some one
With downs syndrome
They add new stuff that gets blocked all the time
Other stuff gets away with it guess trying to filter absolutely everything is near impossible given the size of Facebook and all the languages involved which all have slang terms to deal with too
New slang words develop constantly too
I got a suspension or infraction (can't remember which) on here for using that word in a post (not directed at a poster) - though I guess that sort of thing is at the whim of the mod who spots the word being used as it's often used frequently.

I'd assume now though with the swear filter in place they'd have simply added the word.

Just so you guys know exactly what it was for.

Well I guess **** is on the edge of what is acceptable now. It keeps changing and this is the first time I have been tripped up personally lol.

Hit a new low for me on Facebook this morning myself - not wishing to elaborate but had to message/unfriend someone in circumstances I'm not the happiest about.
AI tyranny, this is the sort of thing that is going down in China with their social credit system except it's also happening in real life because of facial recognition and cameras all over the place. Imagine having a pint with mates down the pub and having your "score" lowered because you privately criticised the government or jokingly called a friend a **** as banter whilst having a good time, in the future everyone will be going about daily life like robots scared of doing or saying something that lowers their score. These are the kind of top-down control systems being developed and it won't be limited to the internet and China if people don't stop it.

We've kind of sleepwalked into it, moderation seemed like a good idea in the early days of the days of the internet but it's the boiling frog/slippery slope phenomenon, people don't notice the water getting hotter and steady tightening of the rope before it's too late. I've mentioned this a few times but about 20 years ago (2000ish) I vividly remember a thread on here about China's internet censorship and we were all mocking them and laughing about it, a generation and leftist indoctrination camps (education system) later and today we've basically become them without anyone noticing. We need to censor this to protect children, we need to take that freedom away because terrorists and you've got youth fighting against freedom of speech on college/university campuses and everything they find offensive is far right which makes the person a Nazi who they (Antifa etc) can therefore legitimately exercise their eye gouging training and other violence on.
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There is a shift to remove anonymity as for some reason too many people feel its ok to say vile / abhorrent things online even though they'd never dream of saying it in person. However on the flipside that same anonymity and lack of accountability means people can speak up against their governments / controlling powers / abusive partners etc without fear of being caught.

The real problem is why are so many people complete bell ends when they can hide behind a screen. Taking the mickey between friends is one thing but some of the trolling that goes on with threats of rape or death is just crazy.
I don't approve of that phrase anymore, I used it as a child not understanding the reference. It was just what kids called each other in the 80's. There are lots of phrases I don't approve of and wouldn't use but hate speech has just become backdoor censorship egged on by the Offendosphere (tm).
I don't approve of that phrase anymore, I used it as a child not understanding the reference. It was just what kids called each other in the 80's. There are lots of phrases I don't approve of and wouldn't use but hate speech has just become backdoor censorship egged on by the Offendosphere (tm).
Yeah I totally understand that.

Its just the first time Ive hit a wall like this, I am pretty aware generally of what I say. It was just a bit of a shock as I've used this word lots of times in the past so it is deffo more of a new adjustment to their moderation system.
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