Social Media Politics affecting anyone elses mood?

Twitter has radicalized (left wing) a few people I know.

I deleted my accounts a few years ago.

All the political stuff is in Netflix etc too.

Pretty much hate the internet now.
Have noticed myself getting more wound up from the utter drivel and general morons that seem to post on twitter and facebook recently so logged out of them. Not looking at the news as much and generally trying to live oblivious :D
It's spilling out into the real world though, all of the youth who have been brought up inside social media bubbles and think they need to destroy their country to bring about paradise are now going out onto the streets. Western nations are the most accommodating and tolerant countries on Earth but you wouldn't know it to listen to people on social media, China are literally throwing ethnic communities into camps and they not only get a free pass but a lot of social media users would probably prefer Xi Jinping (a self appointed dictator) to rule them, over our current democratically elected western leaders.

i totally agree with this. For what its worth :p

I dont think people can begin to appreciate how good the UK is.
I got fed up with Facebook around the time of the EU referendum, all the idiots came out of the woodwork on both sides so I simply stopped following nearly everyone.

I follow a few pages about art and culture and a handful of people who don't post nonsense.
I wholeheartedly agree with you OP. I don't even bother with Facebook anymore (apart from messenger) and to occasionally post something I think is worthwhile or a particular highlight in my life I want to share with my friends. Unfortunately it's even gone onto Instagram, which was something I particularly liked about that platform. People use to just post nice pictures and photography but now it's even political on there... Where will it end?
On the verge of deleting my Facebook account, I like to follow tech companies and review sites but even they feel the need to get involved with whatever the current social media trend is and it really gets on my nerves

Like someone else said it's mutated on to Instagram too which is a massive shame because Instagram was such a breath of fresh air compared to Facebook
My FB is completely private, I only use it to update the 20-ish friends/family on what I'm upto about 2-3 times a year. Got a twitter account I've never used. Thats it.

We've been given the internet which has the capability to be the greatest tool in the world for brining people together, for instant communication across the face of the globe, and we've used it (generally not specifically) to to bring out some of the most negative human aspects imaginable, vanity, hate, greed etc instead - It a shame.
Social media is where closed minded individuals exist in mutually exclusive bubbles of self interestedness, you don't go in there with an open mind and the result is the kind of misinformation and mistrust against liberal politics that put Trump in the presidency. Its the same over here except its left wing politics instead.
Twitter has radicalized (left wing) a few people I know.

I deleted my accounts a few years ago.

All the political stuff is in Netflix etc too.

Pretty much hate the internet now.

I just about got how people initially fell for things like the 5G stuff until it got to the microchips/CV-19 stage, or had brief youthful flirts with being a tankie before the real world gave them a reality check, but I never understood how seemingly normal adults could end up as jihadists or Scientologists... but now I do. And via our own education system too. :/

If you want a laugh, the non-official sub-reddits for the CHAZ thing in Seattle are hitting the spot for me though, and there's some fantastic 'not sure if srs' stuff in the official CapHill one too.
The big problem IMO is the "with us or against us" attitude so many seem to have these days, you have to support an extreme and if you don't you get flamed by both extremes. This was especially prevalent in the recent election where Corbyn's fanboys were basically telling all the left of centre Labour supporters (AKA the vast majority of Labour supporters) that they were just "red Tories" because they didn't love every far left policy.

It's happening again with the BLM protests, you can either hate the police and support the protests (including the rioting, arson, looting) or you're a racist >.>
The big problem IMO is the "with us or against us" attitude so many seem to have these days, you have to support an extreme and if you don't you get flamed by both extremes. This was especially prevalent in the recent election where Corbyn's fanboys were basically telling all the left of centre Labour supporters (AKA the vast majority of Labour supporters) that they were just "red Tories" because they didn't love every far left policy.

It's happening again with the BLM protests, you can either hate the police and support the protests (including the rioting, arson, looting) or you're a racist >.>
Its a bit like what happened with the Tories over brexit. If you were a Tory MP and didnt support brexit you were a lefty liberal. Despite brexit apparently not being a left/right issue. Strange that.
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