Software unlocking iPhone 3G

6 Jun 2004
Hi all,

Following this thread: it looks like I'm off to Sydney for 1 year + come Feb/March next year.
I'm currently 6 months into my 18 month iPhone contract with O2 and love it to bits - and obviously, I don't want to leave it behind.
I don't care for the contract, I will probably leave this running as I can't get out of it but I want to take the iPhone with me and put an Oz sim card in it.

Does anyone know what the score is with regards to unlocking these things? I thought they announced that they had finally come up with a software sim unlock a few months back - Are there any good guides? I've got a new Macbook which probably doesn't help things as my iPhone is NOT jailbroken and it seems like the new Macbook block PwnageTool's ability to freshly jailbreak the iPhone :(.

Any help would be great - I've tried googling but I got mixed results - even the dev-team's blog seems like it's not up to date.

It got released and they've gotten around the latest baseband stuff so you can software unlock with yellowsn0w a 3G iPhone with the latest iTunes update (meaning it is available to ANYONE!)

And there was me thinking I'd royally screwed my chances of ever unlocking it since I had the latest 2.28 baseband

Cheers - I had a play tonight and have now jailbroken my phone - will have to see about the performance issues.

Hopefully when I can test it on another SIM card it'll work!
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