Solar panel production figures

Mine just looks after itself. It’s incredibly accurate. I dont think it’s ever been wrong. It’s certainly a more reliable indicator on the weather than the met office!
What do you all use to forecast generation?
Mine uses Victrons built in system which they recently added, it seems fairly accurate but gets it wrong sometimes.

I think John has a Tesla power wall.

There is Solcast, and Forecast Solar, I've used the latter and it was very inaccurate.
GivEnergy doesn't seem to have any predictions.. I assume an integration in home assistant, or Ive found
You can integrate solcast on the app. Also maybe it's tarrif related but I see automation available in the app that work with agile, one charges overnight in the cheapest slots based on the forecast. Home assistant probably offers a lot more options but I'm controlling with octopus r&d at the moment.
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