Solar panel production figures


Didn't get any charge in to the batteries from solar at all again, battery just went down hill all day, currently down to 33%, which means it won't get a full charge in the off peak period.

Tomorrow's forecast is bad as well, only Wednesday and Friday seem to have much in them, even then its only single digits.

Not quite enough :D

Beat me again, you are in second place on the live charts.
Yeh december is total poop…….roll on the new year
This is my first December with solar and its as bad as I expected. Its definitely the time of the year when having a battery pays off. Even with no solar it saves over £1 a day just from charging at the cheap rate. Then there's the saving sessions too. I've given up force discharging and set the dishwasher etc on timer for 2am to make it go further.
I think I actually had a nil point today.

Boiler still broken hopefully fixed tomorrow, but ******* typical when we are chunking through electric there is no sun.
This is my first December with solar and its as bad as I expected. Its definitely the time of the year when having a battery pays off. Even with no solar it saves over £1 a day just from charging at the cheap rate. Then there's the saving sessions too. I've given up force discharging and set the dishwasher etc on timer for 2am to make it go further.
If its low enough compared to standard 27p tarif ill just run off grid whilst topping battery up to conserve battery from Midnight to around 8am for later when people wake up and start doing drinks/showers and might want to do washing etc etc etc.

Agile is nice for me, if we had an EV it might not suit us though lol
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0.99kWh yesterday. I averaged a pitiful 2.5kWh/day in 2021, just 79kWh for the whole month, worst Dec recorded.
December 2021, my SolarEdge system produced just 71.08 kWh, only worse December was 2015 when the system was installed early in the month.
Has anybody else ever had issues getting to pvoutput? I just get the error ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE.
It's as though my IP has been blocked as I can get to it through a VPN but not an incognito browser. But then my stats are still uploading correctly from the same IP...weird.
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