Solar panel production figures

Poor start to the month the house made 13.80Kwh getting the battery's to 60% zero export and no hot water
the workshop made 4K battery at 50% zero export

House System is split East West
down in not so sunny Devon.
East 8 x 420w panels 45 deg pitch
West 10 x 420w panels 45 deg pitch
Givenergy Gen3 5kwh hybrid
2 x 9.5 battery's

Workshop system is South/East
2440w of panels two 720w strings
one 1000w string
Hybrid inverter with 4x 12v 100Amp
Plus grid tie inverter as well
I've managed get on PVoutput. The daily generation is adding up correctly and the grid voltage is correct too, but "Power" is reading wrong - just counting up by 1W each time and feed-in is blank?

I'm using this in Home Assistant:

## Solar Output to PV Output
pvoutputcurl: >
curl -d "d={{now().strftime("%Y%m%d")}}"
-d "t={{now().strftime("%H:%M")}}"
-d "v1={{ (states('sensor.total_pv_power_today') | float * 1000) | int }}"
-d "v2={{ states('sensor.total_pv_power') }}"
-d "v3={{ states('sensor.h1_5_0_e_feed_in_energy_today') }}"
-d "v6={{ states('sensor.h1_5_0_e_rvolt') }}"
-H "X-Pvoutput-SystemId: SYSTEMID"
-H "X-Pvoutput-Apikey: APIKEY"

Anyone have a clue what is going on?

Edit: It turns out its inputting the "KW" of the generation as W instead. I've created a new sensor identical to total_pv_power but in watts instead.
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@reef was just going to say are you uploading watts or kW.

Feed in may be grid feed in rather than consumption, depends what you want displayed. Also might be the same issue with energy used/power, may have to be in watts.
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Been away for a fortnight. Generated 473kwh for August, which was slightly disappointing. However, looking at our original forecast from the installers, we are only 7kwh behind the annual estimate with 2 months to go.
Today is going to be poor, only generated 1.3 to now. Very dull up here in Derbados.
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@reef was just going to say are you uploading watts or kW.

Feed in may be grid feed in rather than consumption, depends what you want displayed. Also might be the same issue with energy used/power, may have to be in watts.

It appears its the house load sensor and total it wanted. This was complicated as there's a bug in the way Fox inverters measure load when there's dual inverters. If you have a second inverter, it deducts the generation of that from the first so you get a negative load value. I've had to correct for this in home assistant to get the real load and the multiply by 1000 as it was in watts as you mention.

All a bit of a pain, but it appears to be working now so I'm finally on!
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