Solar panel production figures

Solax finally sorted their **** and the web portal (haven't checked the app) now gives actual PV generation.
Its a few clicks in and not on the overview tab but damn finally its more useful.

Actually the whole thing is a lot more useful. Its a heavy redesign and even some of the more technical stuff is there.
Grid voltage etc

Now the interesting thing, it also shows battery info....

So I may be able to finally upload generation numbers, will take a look sometime soon
How many KW of panels you guys got? :)
10kw across 23 panels but in an east (9)/west(14) array at 40 degrease.

I'm actually slightly off east/west with my 14 west panels being slightly past west towards NW. I also I get a bit of shading on my east array from my own roof due to the house being a subby L shape when the sun is lowest in the winter and I actually get a dip in generation at mid day as the sun moves from east to west.

So while I have a lot of panels, my set up is not ideal by any stretch of the imagination.

I so have a south facing roof but its only big enough for a single panel and not worth the cost to install. My double garage also has a pyramid style roof so while large, you can only fit 1-2 panels per elevation also. I might DIY that in the summer as I can do it off a ladder.
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