Solar panel production figures

As you can tell from this thread, it does become an obsession.

Best time of year for switch on, as generation will be increasing for now.

How big is the system and orientation?
It's a 12 panel SolarEdge Homehub with Jinko Tiger 435w rated panels.
South facing.

In all honesty I went into this a little blind and started panicking reading on here about inverters etc but I was really impressed with it yesterday.

I didn't go for the battery partly budget and partly to see what the panels would generate.
14.2 generated and 9.6 exported.

Pretty much a perfect day. Only 0.2kWh short of my best January day ever.

Already at -14p for the day on the electricity and I have a full battery to export later :)
nice day, 10.6 projected, 11 generated, 0.9 exported.
Absolutely no cloud today but the sun is still a little too low for my east/west system.


Give it another couple of weeks and we will be in business.
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