Solar panel production figures

Some cracking days for all, definitely some PB's for the efficiency. I'm not at home now as I've been at work, so not exactly sure but it seems like some hazy cloud came over today and my generation fell off a fair bit this afternoon. John smith gets the prize today after I pipped you by a mere 0.4kwh yesterday! And Rons good afternoon sees me knocked down to 3rd. Ah well, tomorrow looking good again
my effiency normally tanks everyone on a good day as im virually perfect south on a small system.... wait til the new panels get added lol
Its only systems with SolarEdge batteries that use the auto upload via SE API on PV Output that have issues. They count discharging from the batteries as generation, which means it could be yesterdays solar, or it could have come from the grid, either way its not a true picture of the days generation.
aaaaahhhhhhhhhh I knew it was something with them just wasnt sure what.
For information, at the other end of the scale I was chatting to a retired farmer and she installed a 0.8 MW wind turbine which plugs into the National Grid and it paid for itself in only a few years. They are seriously expensive and getting planning permission was a nightmare. Bird fatalities are not an issue (granted this is NE Scotland).
Yesterday - 23.81 kWh generated & 13.82 kWh exported
Today - 23.09 kWh generated & 16.28 kWh exported

Fantastic start to the month & the last 2 days have produced around 20% of last months total generation!! Looking forward to the rest of the week.
So I'm thinking about getting solar panels fitted. From what I've read here, people are saying Octopus is the best company to be with for electric if you have solar panels. Would people agree with that?

If we did go with them - do they install solar panels or should I just find a local company?

Also thinking about getting home storage.
New 2nd March record for me 17kwh which beat my previous 16.55
Next record to beat is 18.9kwh on 23rd March (2024) so hopefully I can stick in some more records with the forecast we have right now.

My own personal generation potential curve is filling in nicely getting closer to a real curve now.
Means I will have a pretty good idea of potential for my system in a couple more years.
27.7 kWh today BUT, with a caveat I turned the DC off for 2.5 hours between 10 am and 12:30 pm.
The reason being I realised from the Tigo app two of the panels weren't generating, realising I'd made an error connecting those two up, positive to positive, rather than positive to negative. New connections and now running correctly.
So I'm thinking about getting solar panels fitted. From what I've read here, people are saying Octopus is the best company to be with for electric if you have solar panels. Would people agree with that?

If we did go with them - do they install solar panels or should I just find a local company?

Also thinking about getting home storage.

You'd be best asking in the specific thread for that sort of thing.

27.8 projected, 29.7 generated, 19.3 exported.

Should be a very negative day today and the next few days are also looking good.

I also realise I didn't post February figures:
Projected: 2292
Generated: 251
Last year: 248 (I lost 2 days generation last year due to an electrical fault on the inverter circuit)

So yeh, not great but March is off to a good start, I'm on 51kwh already, target is 588kwh, last year I did 570kwh.
Fantastic day yesterday, still some clouds about though, so potential for more.

New daily high, also even though I charged the car, electric will still be negative.

SolarEdge: 14 kWh
Garage: 11.04 kWh
North west roof: 9.34 kWh
House rear wall: 6.34 kWh
Peak power was 8.21 kW at 11:03

Total generated yesterday: 40.72 kWh
Total exported yesterday: 46.21 kWh
Total imported yesterday: 59.85 kWh
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