Sold a faulty and dangerous motorcycle

28 Apr 2011
I have recently purchased a WK Trial 125 brand new from a small car/motorcycle dealership here in the isle of man.

After 2 months of owning this bike there are 4 issues I am having 2 of which are potentially dangerous.

1. The vibrations from the engine are not suppressed in any way; they have cracked 2 light bulbs in the headlamp. Also mass vibrations on the wing mirrors.

2. These vibrations have also caused screws to come loose often on the front brake calliper, this leads to the front calliper banging on the front fork when I brake.

3. The throttle cable is too short when I turn left the throttle cable gets stuck against the handlebar framework making it stick on full throttle (extremely dangerous).

4. There is an unacceptable amount of rust on the exhaust downpipe, I can imagine before the warranty is up there will be nothing left of it.

not to mention a load of other strange rattles and noises.

I paid £1500 for a brand new bike and I am having all these issues after less than 300 miles...

anyone got any advice what my next step should be? Sure I could have all these issues fixed at the dealership but I am sure that 300 miles down the line I am going to have a lot more issues. Also I don't have time to keep running back and forth to the dealership with all these problems.
yes I was thinking to ask for a refund, as I have took it back 3 times to get stuff fixed and I just dont have time to do this anymore
You would be better off getting a used 125 from a reputable manufacturer. £1500 for a new bike IMO is far and away too cheap.

I would try for your money back.
You sure ????

Quote from another random website I found after a 5 second google.....

"Quadzilla or Honda ??

If your trying to decide on a utility quad then do read on.....

I work on a large private estate and need a reliable utility quad to help me on a daily basis by pulling a small trailer.

After much research and not really having the funds to purchase a Honda or any other well known brand I decided to purchase a chinese model as these are much cheaper.

The make and model I chose was the not so cheap Quadzilla jow300e I purchased this in person from a local dealer who assured me this model was a utility vehicle and would be perfect for my needs.

I owned the Quadzilla for just 3 months during which time.....

The drive chain required constant tightening.
Brake cables required constant adjustment.
Indicator switch got stuck whilst indicating left.
Whilst reversing the bike always stuttered or stalled.
Occasional juddering of bike when turning corners.
The lock on the rear storage compartment fell apart.
Thise vehicle sounded and felt like it had just one gear, I was told it was fitted with a cvt system which was like an automatic, perhaps this was not working but I never once heard or felt anything changing, it was one tone with a constant increase in noise the more I applied the throttle."

From the comments, I would assume it's from the same company - it's just one of their Quad models as opposed to their trial bikes.

Considering there is very real possibility the thing might actually be the cause of death to you - I would either get your money back - or take it back and demand a differetn make (preferably one that people aren't going to be chatting about at your funeral)
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Wow, only read the OP, but god. I would be on the phone to them giving them my peice of mind.

Take it back and demand your money back or they sort it.
I dont think so

It will be made in either China or Taiwan. How can you possibly expect a quality motorcycle to sell for £1500 brand new?

Your story is exactly the reason that most on this forum will suggest these cheap machines should be avoided and a second hand Japanese machine is bought instead.
It will be made in either China or Taiwan. How can you possibly expect a quality motorcycle to sell for £1500 brand new?

Your story is exactly the reason that most on this forum will suggest these cheap machines should be avoided and a second hand Japanese machine is bought instead.

The amount of bike you could get for £1500 is shocking! So many options, every single one of them better than the purchase in this thread.
Not even sure why your bothering to ask what you should do next, I would just take it back and demand my money back. If they give you issues just go to Trading Standards.

'Brand new bike' and '£1500' just don't go together, 'decent second hand 06 plate' and £1500 would though.
Sorry to hear of all your issues :(

I would be looking for a refund / replacement myself. If this is the route you go down, make sure you go in with the right attitude. If you stomp in acting rude and angry they will be less inclined to help you.

Document all of the issues you have had, when they occured, what they have had to repair already. Note down the safety aspects. Once you have all the facts at hand, call them up and arrange a time to go in to discuss it with them. Mention you are extremly unhappy, have no confiedence in the bike and are looking for options ideally the refund route. Dont go trying to quote sales of goods acts or anything it will just get their back up.

If after the meet you dont get anywhere - then can look at legal options.

Thats what i would do anyway.
put threadlock on the bolts that come loose

put a new throttle cable on or change the current ones routing

sand the surface rust off the exhaust and apply silver hammerite


its a cheap bike and these sorts of problems will be common as muck. be thankful your frame made from monkey metal hasnt cracked or something
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