soldering question

7 Jul 2005
sorry that this is nothing to do with computer hardware, but i didnt know where else to ask!

ps2 controllers have 2 vibraters each side of the handset and one of them doesnt work. i opend it up and realised one of the 2 wires from the vibrator coming from the aeroboard (motherboard) has come away from its solder. i tried soldering it back on but i cant seem to melt it so i was going to stick it back on with superglue, but the wire thats come off is a mill away from the other wire solder so my question is this..

would supergluing a wire back onto the chip mess up the controller if i accidently connected the glue with the other solder. sorry if its hard to understand, my english aint that good , thanx for reading
hehe yeah superglue plain is not going to work. :rolleyes:

Guess you need lessons in how to solder, not sure how old you are but guessing you might still be at school? If so then go see your technical or physic's teacher's they'll be able to teach you in about 5 minutes I'm sure. ( apologise if your not that young - just taking an educated guess).
easiest way is to get some more solder and melt that on to the pads. Then just head each pad and 'push' the wire in to the solder whilst it's molten. Easy peasy
SameSuspect said:
isuperglue did the job fine!!
Not for long.

It won't solder because it needs to be good and clean. That's what flux does, removes the surface oxidation and keep the oxygen out whilst making the new joint. Make sure to use a multicore solder with flux built in. Try soldering eack part first, use as little as possible. Touch the two together with the iron and hold them together for a second even if it burns your finger. If it won't take work the iron on the surface with solder until it squeaks like a little piggy.
SameSuspect said:
im 19 m8 and superglue did the job fine!! :D feeling foolish maybe?

I wouldn't be- you're the foolish one for not taking people's advice. That superglue won't last for long at all and soldering it would have been much better, safer and not to mention stronger. Then again, we can all have a good laugh when you come back saying; "my PS2 controller is fubared because I stupidly put superglue inside it instead of listening to the wise people at OcUK" :p
SameSuspect said:
yeah it stopped workin lol :(
19 you say :shock:
Have a blast at soldering mate, you'll have to do it sometime in your life so might aswell be now.
You need to create a 'heat bridge' on the soldering iron tip. Then apply this 'heat bridge' to the solder point whilst holding the cable to be soldered in place. (Make sure you tin the cable and use some flux paste on the PCB's solder pad as this helps prevent dry joints)
i havnt actually got a solder iron. last time i used one was about 6/7 years ago and that was to make an egg timer! im just going to buy a new controller off ebay for dead cheap, gran turismo aint the same without vibration
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