I also requested that they renounce their executorship owing to the simplicity of the estate.
They won't, this is why nominating a solicitor is an executor is a really bad idea. Your family is basically stuck with them, they will do their best to make the process as complicated as possible because they can then charge you more. Oh and guess what, it's basically impossible to take them to court because as an industry they like to look after their own.
They will also not distribute funds unless there is a literal 0 risk of something coming back on them. If you're doing this yourself you can take a measured approach.
I'll repeat having a solicitor as a executor is a really bad idea. Your beneficiaries can always hire one if they need it, and they will then have the advantage that they have much more control on the situation.
I was waiting for well over 5 years from a tiny (it was under £2000) from my grandmothers estate. Basically because she chose to use a solicitor. My uncle lives in France, and because my Grandmother died shortly before the brexit vote he saw the value of his inheritance basically drop 20% due to the value of the pound dropping.