Solid Wall Houses - Insulation + Plastering + Air Gaps ?

I guess if I batten and then use insulated plasterboard; I won't be far off the current clinker+plaster, or brick+plaster.

I may only need to do this in my daughters future bedroom, too - as the other external room is a bathroom.

The other external wall is the bay window, so I guess it is diminishing returns given 90% of the wall is a window!

I will do external insulation in the porch canopy area though still, I think.
Batten studwork to the the brick with a DPC on the connection between brick and studwork (to prevent the studwork getting wet through any capillary action) . I believe at around 400mm or 600mm centres
studs should be off the wall and spaced with plastic packers - no capillary action - and PIR has a vapour membrane both sides so and long its taped theres no need for extra
Is there an idiots guide to determining risk of damp?
I just go off which way it faces, prevailing wind direction (ie does it get soaked in rain often), lots of guttering, downpipes etc.

I buried hydrometers behind boards that I stuck on with foam and the humidity actually dropped once it was finished, probably due to the moister in the wall coming from moist warm air internally condensing on the cold internal surface of the external wall.
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