Sparky191 said:
I said "consider" of how to make a living. Not become a wage slave. I did say theres no point in doing a course that you can't make a living at, thats probably a bit harsh. Theres no point in doing a rubbish course would be nore correct.
I feel that you are completely missing the point of University. A degree in many cases has nothing to do with what you want to end up in, as like it has been said a lot of people don't know what they want to do before or even after they have one.
The point in doing a degree, much like GCSE's A-levels is to show potential employees that you have the capacity to
learn. Not that you are an expert in the related field already, I mean how could you be as you probably have no real world experience, but to show that if you were to be hired you would be able to take on board new concepts/ways of thinking that will enable you to successful in the role, and pass any exams that are probably related to the job. Why do you think most graduate jobs ask for a 2:1 in general and not in a specific degree? In fact a lot of numeric jos actively look for graduates in from arty degree backgrounds to get a broad range of people.
If you have a specific career in mind like law or pharmaceuticals then yes I agree that you should try and take a relevant degree, but taking a degree that you have an interest in and therefore likely to be more successful in should not hinder you in any way.
*edit* I feel I may have got the wrong end of the stick in what you were saying about course, yes don't do a rubbish course but I still think the points above stand, too many peoople think that they HAVE to do a course in what career they want to do but that isn't the case.