Some questions, regarding my game proformance.

FEAR, on my system,

Athlon64 3200+ 'Venice' @ 2.4GHz
2GB PC3200
7900GS 512MB (600/1500)

gives me this in the benchmark test at maximum settings and 1280x960

zytok said:
Depends whether you're talking about 25 minimum, 25 maximum or 25 average. 25 is gonna be too chuggy for most people. Most people like to aim for 50-60 in first person stuff. Most people also game at more than 1024. Surprised you're happy with that. Why not turn a couple of things down a notch and get smoother gameplay?

Cos I'm used to ''low'' fps, i find anything above 20 acceptable for fps games tbh, I prefer low fps and higher details, as in sp games, where I take my time, like in FEAR, I dont need more fps, I play tdu @ 28 average fps, fear at min 20-25, average 30 ish, and basicly 4x aa makes up for jaggies @ low reso and AF clears up textures in distance, wich is good enough for me.
In some games though I want 45 fps, mainly racing games are these, exception is tdu but cos got used to that...
50 fps is massive over exgaggeration imo, for fps, even for fast fps games, 35, 40 tops is enough.

Anyhow u see the above benchy, 60 average fps on a card that is even to (or worse than) a 1950 pro, a 1950pro should run it A-ok!
I find that vista does slow down games with medium gaming rigs. NFS carbon is very poor in vista there's a definate improvement with xp.

1.5 gig ram
3.2 ghz celeron cpu
x1950 pro

To be upgraded soon though :)
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