Some thread about the London congestion charge

@Mrwong your proposal seem incredibly ill-considered.

Why not sit down (away from the keyboard), think through and put forward some proposals that might actually make sense, test them out here and then start an apolitical petition?
What proposal? I never started that vote.
Either you ban cars from London, or you extend the congestion charge ring to the outskirts of London stopping people who don't live in London from traveling in.
Every second plus car registered to an address in London needs to pay a charge.
Anyone reckon this is a fake petition. I would love to see the signatory list and see how many are fake.

The funny thing is he can't be sacked. He is the elected Mayor of London. Removing him from power would be undemocratic.
Yes, but presumably if by some miracle this petition manages to oust the mayor and the congestion charge is immediately removed, all road works are ended, and the diesel hatchbacks rise up and enslave all of the cyclists, forcing them to work in the tyre mines of Clapham, you won't benefit, as you'll be out of London by then.

I genuinely don't know why you'd want to encourage more driving in central London, the pollution is knocking years off your life as it is, you want to throw a couple more down the drain for the privilege of being able to sit in gridlock without paying for it?
They are doing away with the ev exemption aswell., and those cars do not pollute at usage only at energy source.
Also live in London, no-one likes the congestion charge but it's necessary. Grandparents lived in central when they were alive and traffic has improved since the congestions charge was introduced IMHO. Interestingly I have cousins who have started their own petition about it due to the effect it'll have on the older Italian generation going to the Italian church in Clerkenwell yet they don't seem to understand that the pandemic that's caused all the recent problems is still around and travelling into central London to go to church (aka socialise) is a daft idea - though oddly enough they understand enough that they don't want them on public transport :rolleyes:

As for who's to blame, while Khan was told to increase, IIRC, the frequency and scope of it but I don't think they said anything specific (that we know of).
There was no mention of anything specific, it was TFL interpretation of it.

Plus increasing public transport costs and reducing capacity on numbers able to travel will cause all sorts of problems.

If public transportation could not cope before how is it going to cope now?

I never understood the reduction in hours of shops and other public facilities, for example the sorts office for collections is open from 7 am to 9 am the amount of people queueing is insane, it goes from the royal mail office along the path onto the public pavement and down the main street.

Seriously they need to extend the hours, it is pretty perverse thinking to reduce hours when it should be the opposite to reduce clusters.
Added to this, they are "Virtual" cars and so don't contribute in any way to congestion - No siree!

You seem to be kinda missing the point of a "Congestion" Charge mate. :rolleyes:

Go on, shuffle off to Milton Keynes.

It was sold to londoners as a pollution reducing scheme, provide better quality transport most of the conditions set have not been achieved.
It has caused congestion around the CC zone to insane levels.

The congestion has been created by TFL road works, converting 2 way roads into one way, restricting lanes etc.
The whole traffic flow in London is a shambles, because of the crappy alterations to London roads.

There should be a bike tax to pay for all the cycle lanes.

I would prefer it to be extended to zones 5 or 6.

And yes I will be leaving London a dirty city, falling apart in many ways.
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