Someone explane this, 69mb used up after formatting?

17 Dec 2004
I made 2 partitions on 1 hard drive, a 20gb for windows and apps, and a 170gb for games, music and stuff. Anyway when you install windows you can only format the partition you want windows to be installed on. So I formatted the 170gb partition in windows. when it had finished formatting I looked at it, and it said 69mb used,,, why is this? heres a pic
It has been a very long time since I've had a clean hard drive but presumably file system overheads will take up some of that space. Maybe someone else could confirm or correct me :)
KingAdora said:

Same reason a 2mb floppy is 1.44mb.
Actually a 1.44mb floppy is 1.38mb formatted. ;)

Anyway, untick Indexing Services, and see what happens.
I think for the MFT. If you use OO Defrag you'll see a considerble amount of yellow squares (MFT) even for a blank HD.

Talking of which, is there a utility which'll clear MFT of deleted files? I want to remove traces of files such as "bigbottomedgirls.txt" :)
low level format speeds seem to vary wildly from drive to drive, at least in my experiance. But regardless, you should never have to resort to a low level format unless your stupidly over-paranoid about data that was on the drive previously. Even then, you dont have an excuse unless you wear a tin-foil hat.....

a quick format however, will take just a few seconds.

Anyway, that used space may also be either files in the recycle bin on that drive, or maybe a restore point that's been stored on there in the hidden 'system volume information' folder.
Windows Isn't vaguely accurate in the sense of HD space anyway, there's also capacity writen off for pagefile space and wotnot that windows sometimes ignores.
Dutch Guy said:
I think it is reserved space for the MFT.

Aye. There's two copies of the MFT + transaction logfiles etc. Do a google search on NTFS system files and I'm sure it'll turn up some more information.
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